Hi Everybody,
The swift-arm.slack.com team has been working hard on bringing Swift to Linux AArch64 devices. This is everything from small SBC's like Raspberrypi 3 and the Rock64 to 96 core Cavium ThunderX Servers.
Thanks to https://www.worksonarm.com/cluster from https://www.packet.net/ we now have a dedicated AArch64 CI server - https://ci-external.swift.org/computer/ubuntu-16.04-aarch64/
We are now very close to having a release version of Swift 4.1.2 for Linux / AArch64.
Help with the following is needed to get us across the finish line.
PR [15174] - https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/15174
This is currently blocking successful builds on the CI. Help is needed updating this PR and getting it approved. -
Failing Tests
There are currently only 2 failing tests on the 4.1 branch
[SR-8246] Runtime/linux-fatal-backtrace.swift test failing on Linux/AArch64 · Issue #50778 · apple/swift · GitHub
[SR-8263] TestNSNumberBridging test failing on Linux/AArch64 · Issue #3664 · apple/swift-corelibs-foundation · GitHub
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
You can join us on the swift-arm slack team at swift-arm on LaunchPass