Help: Build Errors

Was experimenting with the new c++ Interoperability with Swift Ubunt 22.04 development snapshot of June 5 but after upgrading to June 17 snapshot, build failed with several errors, ending with the following error message:

<unknown>:0: error: too many errors emitted, stopping now
<unknown>:0: error: could not build C module 'CoreFoundation'
error: fatalError

Could you please share the errors that got printed before error: too many errors emitted, stopping now?

I got the errors because I compiled with CxxLanguageStandard option set to .cxx17 or higher in my package.swift file

Yeah we would still need to see what errors happened above. Chances are though, your cpp code might not be playing nice with that level of cxx language style.

As an example, I was rolling cxx11 for a project that worked fine across the board everywhere but windows, and then I had to bump up to cxx17 for windows since the c++ source tool chain I utilized there required it.