[GSoC 2021] Implementing Data Structures in Swift

Hey Everyone!
I'm Dhananjayan, a freshman at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying Computer Science and Data Science. When I saw that Swift was one of the organizations I could contribute to for GSoC this year, I was extremely excited. I'm looking forward to working towards implementing data structures for Swift and it'll be wonderful if I can connect with the mentors for this project to understand more about what I'll need to learn or experiment with before I get started on this awesome journey! Looking forward to hearing back! Cheers!

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Paging @lorentey who is the mentor for the datastructures project.

In the meantime you can check the other threads about the project, and/or start working on a plan — you’ll need to submit a project plan with phases and goals to the gsoc page around March 30th to formally apply to the project.

Hope this helps,

Thanks so much!

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@lorentey Looking forward to your reponse!

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