[GSoC 2019] Swift debugging support on Linux

Hello, I'm Yuta Saito a freshman student in Japan.

I am interested in participating in GSoC2019 and implementing this feature.

I already have some knowledge of the runtime library of Swift and I've presented about it in "try! Swift" which is an international Swift conference.

I started investigating apple/swift-lldb to implement data structure formatters. I'd like to ask where the documentation of the difference of data structures between platforms is.

Thank you.

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I'd recommend just poking stuff around and try to find something that doesn't work.
Once you have a more concrete example, I'll try helping you to fix it.

I've tried to build swift-lldb in Docker but faced memory problem similar to this. It's difficult to prepare real Ubuntu machine. Unfortunately I'll change my topic.

It's better if you use lld as the linker, make sure it is available and use -DLLVM_ENABLE_LLD=ON in CMake flags.

Have you tried building with -DLLVM_USE_SPLIT_DWARF=1?

@Adrian_Prantl @akyrtzi
Thank you for your advice! I succeeded building.