Generic constrained composite pattern

Let’s say I have some objects which satisfy a constrained composite pattern: There are leafs (possibly more than one kind) and composites, but each composite may only be composed of components of one kind. Let’s further assume these objects have been tag-length-value encoded and I was to write a custom decoder for them with an API similar to the decoders from the standard library. Here’s how I tried to do it (simplified; the actual decode implementations are more complex and perform e.g. bounds checking):

import Foundation

protocol Component {
    var tag: UInt8 { get }
    var length: Int { get }

struct Leaf: Component {
    var tag: UInt8
    var length: Int
    var value: [UInt8]

struct Composite<T>: Component where T: Component {
    var tag: UInt8
    var length: Int
    var components: [T]

protocol TLVDecodable {
    init(fromTLV decoder: TLVDecoder) throws

extension Leaf: TLVDecodable {
    init(fromTLV decoder: TLVDecoder) throws {
        self = try decoder.decode(Leaf.self)

extension Composite: TLVDecodable {
    init(fromTLV decoder: TLVDecoder) throws {
        self = try decoder.decode(Composite.self)

class TLVDecoder {
    fileprivate let buffer: [UInt8]
    fileprivate var cursor = 0
    public init(buffer: [UInt8]) {
        self.buffer = buffer

extension TLVDecoder {
    func decode(_ type: UInt8.Type) throws -> UInt8 {
        let byte = buffer[cursor]
        cursor += 1
        return byte
    func decode(_ type: Int.Type) throws -> Int {
        let bytes = buffer[cursor...cursor + 4]
        cursor += 4
        let length = bytes.reduce(0) { soFar, byte in
            return soFar << 8 | Int(byte)
        return length

    func decode(_ type: Leaf.Type) throws -> Leaf {
        let tag = try decode(UInt8.self)
        let length = try decode(Int.self)
        let value = buffer[cursor...cursor + length]
        return Leaf(tag: tag, length: length, value: [UInt8](value))

    func decode<T: Component>(_ type: Composite<T>.Type) throws -> Composite<T> {
        let tag = try decode(UInt8.self)
        let length = try decode(Int.self)
        var components = [T]()
        while cursor < buffer.count {
            let t = try decode(T.self) // FIXME: No exact matches in call to instance method 'decode'
        return Composite(tag: tag, length: length, components: components)

However, I’m stuck on the // FIXME: - why can’t the compiler infer which decode method to call here?

T is not constrained to be decodable.
Either Component must me decodable :

protocol Component: Decodable

or constrain your decode method to work on decodables types :

func decode<T: Component & Decodable>(_:)

edit: swap Decodable with TLVDecoble

Thanks and you're right, but unfortunately the compiler is not so easily convinced.

Parametric polymporphism doesn't work with generics. The compiler needs to know the exact type of the argument in order to select the appropriate decode(:) method. T is a placeholder type, not an actual type;

Assuming your example would work and it correctly figures out to dispatch to decode(_ : Leaf.Type), would happen if I then add another type in the code like
struct LeafV2: Component { ... } but not implement a decode(_ : LeafV2.Type) method for it? After all there's no obligation/constraint in the TLVDecoder class to implement it anyway. How should the compiler react when it sees it has to make a call to something which doesn't exist?

Well, I guess you're right, but that's too bad. Anyway thank you for giving me something to read up on.

I appreciate this is not what you might be looking for, but consider this alternative type structure:

struct TaggedComponent {
    let tag: UInt8
    let length: Int
    let component: Component

enum Component {
    case leaf(value: [UInt8])
    case composite(components: [TaggedComponent])

I used a similar approach together with Codable, Message Pack and custom coder (in my case I didn't have explicit Tagged structure, but hardcoded tag into the relevant coder/decoders, and length was derived automatically (e.g. no need to have a separate length for Int, as its length is already known from the tag).

Thanks, I will look into it!