Foundation Workgroup Formed

I'm excited to announce that we have officially formed a Foundation Workgroup for the Swift Foundation project.

Please join me in welcoming the following initial members of the workgroup:

@icharleshu (Charles Hu)
@lukasa (Cory Benfield)
@designatednerd (Ellen Shapiro)
@jmschonfeld (Jeremy Schonfeld)
@lorentey (Karoy Lorentey)
@scanon (Steve Canon)
@itingliu (Tina Liu)
@tomerd (Tom Doron)
@adam-fowler (Adam Fowler)
@Tony_Parker (Tony Parker)

These members include contributors with a long history of contribution to the project, as well as representation from the iOS and server-side Swift development community.

The workgroup is looking forward to guiding the development of the project as described in the governance section of the README.