Fluent db migration fails

I'm trying to connect to mysql db on clever cloud dev account. I'm able to query the db in my vapor app fine. However, I cannot run migrate to create tables. I get the following error:

[ ERROR ] Opening new connection for pool failed: NIOCore.ChannelError.connectTimeout(NIOCore.TimeAmount(nanoseconds: 10000000000)) [database-id: mysql]
[ WARNING ] NIOCore.ChannelError.connectTimeout(NIOCore.TimeAmount(nanoseconds: 10000000000))
[ ERROR ] Application.shutdown() was not called before Application deinitialized.
Vapor/ServeCommand.swift:131: Assertion failed: ServeCommand did not shutdown before deinit
Illegal instruction: 4

I created the tables manually and I'm able to query and insert new rows. Any thoughts? Not sure if this is in any way related to me not being able to access my Synology DB server from vapor.

Are you sure you're querying the database fine in the Vapor app because it's the exact same connection and connection pool so there should be no difference there.

The error you're getting is when Fluent is trying to connect to the MySQL server socket and just not getting a response, normally caused by firewall issues or it just not listening on that port

My mistake. I noticed that it's still using the environment for the Synology which is why I'm getting that error. I pointed it to the right environment and it connected to the db.