In Xcode I get a warning when opening my project:
The target "XYZ” contains source code developed with Swift 3.x. This version of Xcode does not support building or migrating Swift 3.x targets.
I can't however find which Swift files need to be migrated. Here's what I have done:
find . | grep -i "\.swift$" | while read l; do swiftc -parse -swift-version 5 "$l"; done
find . | grep -i "\.swift$" | while read l; do swiftc -parse -runtime-compatibility-version 5.0 "$l"; done
Both commands terminate without error.
Doesn't this mean that in fact all my swift files are written for the latest Swift?
If not, what can I do?
I should also mention: Xcode builds the app just fine. It's just that warning that irritates me.
P.S.: I can't migrate because the required Xcode version 10.1for some reason will not launch.