
Hi I was wondering if i could get some suggestions on this:

extension CGPoint : Comparable


    static func <(l: CGPoint, r: CGPoint) ->


return true;


     static func ==(l: CGPoint, r: CGPoint) ->


       return true;



CGPoint is a Core graphics struct.

This code gives me an error "Declaration is only valid at file scope". However per swift documentation, I cannot add an access modifier to extensions that adopt protocols. I was wondering if there is an elegant workaround for this limitation or if there's something I'm missing here.


Is this the only thing in the file, or is the extension nested inside something else? That's what that error usually means.


On May 13, 2017, at 5:32 PM, Don Giovanni via swift-users <swift-users@swift.org> wrote:

Hi I was wondering if i could get some suggestions on this:

extension CGPoint : Comparable
    static func <(l: CGPoint, r: CGPoint) ->
return true;

     static func ==(l: CGPoint, r: CGPoint) ->
       return true;

CGPoint is a Core graphics struct.
This code gives me an error "Declaration is only valid at file scope". However per swift documentation, I cannot add an access modifier to extensions that adopt protocols. I was wondering if there is an elegant workaround for this limitation or if there's something I'm missing here.

Brent Royal-Gordon