I've a workspace with multiple packages, and due to the a bug in Xcode I cannot export the app localizations using the Xcode GUI tool, but I need to resort on using a command from terminal
xcodebuild -exportLocalizations -localizationPath . -workspace <path_workspace> -sdk iphoneos -exportLanguage en
One of my packages contains some macros, and I use them from my code without any problem, the code compile
But when I try to export localizations using that command, the build fails due to "compiler plugin not loaded"
So I cannot use Xcode normal exporting because Xcode bug, and cannot export by running a command due to the macro problem
What should I do? It is very discouraging this situation, do you have any suggestion?
For the export command, please try using something like -destination 'platform=iOS,name=Any iOS Device’ instead of -sdk iphoneos . That way the macro plugin itself is not restricted to the iOS SDK since it needs to build for a macOS host.