Existential `any` does not seem to be required in Swift 6 mode

My understanding from SE-0335 was that using a protocol as a variable’s type without writing any would be an error in Swift 6 mode, but this doesn't match what I’m seeing.

For example, in Xcode 16 beta 6, the evolution proposal’s example that demonstrates things that should be an error in Swift 6 seems to be compiling fine for me.

Have I misunderstood something?

Can’t find post on the topic (I think it dates early 2024), but it was decided to postpone turning on required any for later.

You’ve not misunderstood, just missed the update that @vns mentioned!


Thanks both!

Thank you for the reminder that I need to update the proposal to reflect the update :slightly_smiling_face:


In Xcode16.2, I found a strange issue:
If 'P' is defined in different module, we must add 'any' in 'bar';
If they are defined in the same file, it's ok to omit 'any'.
I don't known why?

protocol P {}

func bar(_ p: P) {}