Examples of great documentation or lectures that are also accessible to engineers without sight?

Hi! I'm an engineer and I have what would be considered "typical" ability to read and see… but I am trying to be very thoughtful about accessibility moving forward when writing technical documentation and preparing presentations.

Do any engineers that rely on screen readers or other assistive technology to compensate for vision impairments have any examples of technical documentation that does a very good job at being accessible to engineers without sight? Have you ever listened to an engineer lecture and thought the speaker did an excellent job explaining an architecture or design pattern in a way that all engineers could understand (even engineers that were blocked on watching the slides or keynote)?

This is a topic I am very interested in for my open source projects. If anyone has some examples that do a great job at this or if you have some insight that sighted engineers should know about or could learn from before building documentation or presentations that would be super helpful to me. Thanks!


I took your question to TikTok because I really wanted to see more responses to this.

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