Example of attributes with current version of Swift

Having seen several posts about the desire for attributes in Swift and having the same desire myself, I thought I would play with implementing something with Swift as it is now.

public protocol Attribute { }

public protocol Attributable
  static func getAttributes() -> [Attribute]

public struct Serializable : Attribute
  public private(set) var targetType: Any.Type
  public init(_ targetType: Any.Type)
    self.targetType = targetType

public struct SerializableProperty : Attribute
  public private(set) var keyPath: AnyKeyPath
  public private(set) var isSerializable: Bool
  public init(keyPath: AnyKeyPath, isSerializable: Bool = true)
    self.keyPath = keyPath
    self.isSerializable = isSerializable

public struct Person
  public var firstName: String
  public var lastName: String
  public var fullname: String
    return "\(firstName) \(lastName)"

extension Person : Attributable
  public static func getAttributes() -> [Attribute]
    return [
            SerializableProperty(keyPath: \Person.fullname, isSerializable: false)

Then, to recover the attributes elsewhere:

    let testType: Any.Type = Person.self
    if let attributableType = testType as? Attributable.Type
      let attributes = attributableType.getAttributes()
      for attribute in attributes
        switch attribute
          case let serializableType as Serializable:
          case let serializableProperty as SerializableProperty:
            print("\(serializableProperty.isSerializable) : \(serializableProperty.keyPath)")

I've had some thoughts around this area too, though for the purposes of customizing encoding using Codable rather than another mechanism. In that case it seemed interesting to extend CodingKeys:

extension Person.CodingKeys: CustomTreatmentForMyEncoder {
  func wantsCustomTreatmentForMyEncoder() -> Bool {
    switch self {
    case .firstName: return true
    case .lastName: return false

But that's limited to coding. I also like the use of key paths in your version, but I can see why the default CodingKeys implementation doesn't do that: most of the time it'd be unnecessary code bloat.

Hi Jordan

The problem with explicitly declaring CodingKeys is that, by so doing, you implicitly decide on which properties participate in the Codable process. Therefore, you wouldn't want to use wantsCustomTreatmentForMyEncoder() simply for flagging properties as Codable or not. I presume you were thinking of using it for "special" coding?

Anyhow, your idea got me thinking again and here is another technique for my example using the Serializable protocol, which you could use instead of attributes:

public protocol SerializableProperties
  static func isSerializable(for keyPath: AnyKeyPath) -> Bool

extension Person : SerializableProperties
  public static func isSerializable(for keyPath: AnyKeyPath) -> Bool
    switch keyPath
      case \Person.firstName:
        return true
      case \Person.lastName:
        return true
      case \Person.fullname:
        return false
        fatalError("keyPath not found")

Of course, it still doesn't address the feasibility of attributes, but it is an interesting side track :wink:

Or, to cater for Codable with keypaths, how about this:

protocol CodableForKeyPaths : Codable
  static func isCodable(for keyPath: AnyKeyPath) -> Bool

extension Person : CodableForKeyPaths
  static func isCodable(for keyPath: AnyKeyPath) -> Bool
    return keyPath == \Person.fullName ? false : true