Having seen several posts about the desire for attributes in Swift and having the same desire myself, I thought I would play with implementing something with Swift as it is now.
public protocol Attribute { }
public protocol Attributable
static func getAttributes() -> [Attribute]
public struct Serializable : Attribute
public private(set) var targetType: Any.Type
public init(_ targetType: Any.Type)
self.targetType = targetType
public struct SerializableProperty : Attribute
public private(set) var keyPath: AnyKeyPath
public private(set) var isSerializable: Bool
public init(keyPath: AnyKeyPath, isSerializable: Bool = true)
self.keyPath = keyPath
self.isSerializable = isSerializable
public struct Person
public var firstName: String
public var lastName: String
public var fullname: String
return "\(firstName) \(lastName)"
extension Person : Attributable
public static func getAttributes() -> [Attribute]
return [
SerializableProperty(keyPath: \Person.fullname, isSerializable: false)
Then, to recover the attributes elsewhere:
let testType: Any.Type = Person.self
if let attributableType = testType as? Attributable.Type
let attributes = attributableType.getAttributes()
for attribute in attributes
switch attribute
case let serializableType as Serializable:
case let serializableProperty as SerializableProperty:
print("\(serializableProperty.isSerializable) : \(serializableProperty.keyPath)")