dynamicMemberLookup bug?

I have this struct:

struct Foo {
    var name: String = "hello"
    var count: Int = 42

When I add @dynamicMemberLookup on it compiler rightfully complains:

So, I've added the relevant subscript implementation:

struct Foo {
    var name: String = "hello"
    var count: Int = 42

    subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Foo, T>) -> T {
        get {
        set {

and now compiler is happy.

However, it has no effect:

var foo = Foo()
foo.name = "bye"

and my subscript getter/setters are not getting called †.

Is this a bug? if this is a bug then what bug is this exactly:

  1. that it doesn't work (as "expected"), and it should.
  2. that compiler does accept this subscript as a valid dynamicMember implementation and it shouldn't.

(† I know how to make it work with a slightly different keypath subscript and a separate helper type, as discussed e.g. here).

Honestly I'd expect that the compiler prioritises the get/set of Foo itself, why I guess the subscript is not called.
Is there a particular reason why you'd like to have dynamicMemberLookup with members being the members of the type where the attribute is applied to?

Don't you think it's strange that compiler accept it as a requirement and then simply ignores it?

I'm exploring various observation machinery implementations. See the relevant thread.