[DRAFT] Enhancing the Platform Configuration Test Suite for Conditional Compilation Blocks

This is an omnibus conditional compilation block proposal. It is built out of Swift Evolution community requests and discussions dating back on various threads to the genesis of the list.

This draft does not include tests for debug conditions. That was pitched under separate cover using runtime functions instead of conditional compilation blocks.
This draft does not include tests for OS versions, as that seems to be better addressed using the existing availability tests.
This draft is rewritten with respect to Jordan Rose's "Rename "build configurations" to "conditional compilation blocks"" swift commit <https://github.com/apple/swift/commit/6272941c5cba9581a5ee93d92a6ee66e28c1bf13&gt; from 12 February (rdar://problem/19812930 <rdar://problem/19812930>).
It is offered as an omnibus because all the tests fall under the same "conditional compilation block" umbrella. Using an omnibus reduces list traffic and demands on core team resources. It's understood that the proposal is likely to be accepted with modifications (or rejected as a whole) due to the multiple tests.

-- Erica

gist: conditional.md · GitHub

Enhancing the Platform Configuration Test Suite for Conditional Compilation Blocks

Proposal: TBD
Author: Erica Sadun <http://github.com/erica&gt;
Status: TBD
Review manager: TBD
<conditional.md · GitHub

This proposal introduces additional configuration tests to differentiate platform conditions in conditional compilation blocks.

This proposal was first discussed on-list in the [Draft] Introducing Build Configuration Tests for Platform Conditions <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.swift.evolution/12140/focus=12267&gt; thread and then re-pitched in TBD <https://gist.github.com/erica/TBD&gt;\.

<conditional.md · GitHub

The term "build configuration" is subsumed by "conditional compilation block". See this accepted patch <https://github.com/apple/swift/commit/6272941c5cba9581a5ee93d92a6ee66e28c1bf13&gt;
<conditional.md · GitHub

Testing for platform conditions is a typical developer task. Although some built-in features like CFByteOrderGetCurrentexist, it seems a natural match for Swift to introduce conditional compilation blocks specific to common platform conditions.

<conditional.md · GitHub Art

Swift currently supports the following platform configuration tests, defined in lib/Basic/LangOptions.cpp.

The literals true and false
The os() function that tests for OSX, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, Linux, Windows, Android, and FreeBSD
The arch() function that tests for x86_64, arm, arm64, i386, powerpc64, s390x, and powerpc64le
The swift() function that tests for specific Swift language releases, e.g. swift(>=2.2)
The following platform configuration test has been accepted in SE-0075 <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0075-import-test.md&gt; but not yet implemented:

The canImport() function that tests whether specific modules can be imported.
<conditional.md · GitHub Design

This proposal introduces several platform condition tests for use in conditional compilation blocks: endianness, bitwidth, vendor, objc interop, and simulator.

<conditional.md · GitHub

Endianness refers to the byte order used in memory. This proposal exposes endian test conditions, promoting them from private underscored names to public developer-referencable ones.

// Set the "_endian" platform condition.
  switch (Target.getArch()) {
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::arm:
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::thumb:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::aarch64:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::ppc64:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "big");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::ppc64le:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::x86:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::x86_64:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::systemz:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "big");
    llvm_unreachable("undefined architecture endianness");
Under this proposal _endian is renamed to endian and made a public API.


#if endian(big)
    // Big endian code
<conditional.md · GitHub

Bitwidth describes the number of bits used to represent a number. This proposal introduces a bitwidth test with two options: 32 and 64.


#if bitwidth(64)
    // 64-bit code
List members briefly discussed whether it was better to measure pointer width or the size of Int. William Dillon suggested renaming bitwidth to either intwidth or intsize. Brent Royal-Gordon suggests intbits. Alternatives include bitsand bitsize. This proposal avoids wordbits because of the way, for example, Intel ends up doing “dword”, “qword”, and so forth for backwards compatibility.

<conditional.md · GitHub

A vendor describes the corporate or other originator of a platform. This proposal introduces a test that returns platform vendor, with one option at this time: Apple. Apple deployment provides an umbrella case for wide range of coding norms that may not be available on non-Apple platforms. This "family of targets" provides a simpler test than looking for specific modules or listing individual operating systems, both of which provide fragile approaches to this requirement.

This call would be supported in Swift's source-code by the existing private getVendor() used in lib/Basic/LangOptions.cpp.


#if vendor(Apple)
    // Code specific to Apple platform deployment
<conditional.md · GitHub

Swift's Objective-C compatibility enables developers to build mix-and-match projects with a mixed-language codebase. This proposal introduces a test to determine whether the Objective-C runtime is available for use. This test uses only one option, objc, although it could potentially expand to other scenarios, such as jvm, clr, and C++.

if (EnableObjCInterop)
    addPlatformConditionValue("_runtime", "_ObjC");
    addPlatformConditionValue("_runtime", "_Native")

#if interop(objc)
    // Code that depends on Objective-C
<conditional.md · GitHub Conditions

Xcode simulators enable developers to test code on a wide range of platforms without directly using physical devices. A simulator may not offer the full suite of modules available with device deployment or provide device-only hardware hooks like GPS. This proposal introduces a test for simulator platform conditions, enabling developers to omit references to unsupported features. It offers two options: simulator and device.

bool swift::tripleIsAnySimulator(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
    return tripleIsiOSSimulator(triple) ||
    tripleIsWatchSimulator(triple) ||
This proposal uses a targetEnvironment test as target or platform are too valuable burn on this test.


#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
    // Code specific to simulator use
This condition test would reduce the fragility and special casing currently in use:

#if (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)) && os(iOS)
    print("Probably simulator")
<conditional.md · GitHub on Existing Code

This proposal is additive and should not affect existing code. Some developers may refactor code as in the case of the simulator/device test.

<conditional.md · GitHub Considered

Not accepting this proposal

Regarding "Bitwidth describes the number of bits used to represent a
number. This proposal introduces a bitwidth test with two options: 32 and

I don't fully understand how this will work or in general how it will be

   - "used to represent a number"... What "number" (e.g. what type)?
   - Is it just the width a pointer? Does this only relate to UnsafePointer?
   - Is it the width of something in the C realm? (e.g. CLong/long,
   CLongLong/long long, etc.)
   - How does it deal with variations of 64bit-ness of platforms (e.g.
   LP64, LLP64, etc.)
   - Inside of Swift (pure swift) does it serve any purpose not covered by
   the properties exposed on the various numeric types?
   - If for use in bridging C, etc. can it not be dealt with on the C side
   of things?

I personally think it needs to be specifically about pointer width or it
needs to allow for a compile query of the size of a given platform variable
width type (including C mapped ones).



On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 9:49 AM Erica Sadun via swift-evolution < swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

This is an omnibus conditional compilation block proposal. It is built out
of Swift Evolution community requests and discussions dating back on
various threads to the genesis of the list.

   - This draft does not include tests for debug conditions. That was
   pitched under separate cover using runtime functions instead of conditional
   compilation blocks.
   - This draft does not include tests for OS versions, as that seems to
   be better addressed using the existing availability tests.
   - This draft is rewritten with respect to Jordan Rose's "Rename "build
   configurations" to "conditional compilation blocks"" swift commit
   <https://github.com/apple/swift/commit/6272941c5cba9581a5ee93d92a6ee66e28c1bf13&gt; from
   12 February (rdar://problem/19812930).
   - It is offered as an omnibus because all the tests fall under the
   same "conditional compilation block" umbrella. Using an omnibus reduces
   list traffic and demands on core team resources. It's understood that the
   proposal is likely to be accepted with modifications (or rejected as a
   whole) due to the multiple tests.

-- Erica

gist: conditional.md · GitHub

Enhancing the Platform Configuration Test Suite for Conditional
Compilation Blocks

   - Proposal: TBD
   - Author: Erica Sadun <http://github.com/erica&gt;
   - Status: TBD
   - Review manager: TBD

<conditional.md · GitHub;

This proposal introduces additional configuration tests to differentiate
platform conditions in conditional compilation blocks.

This proposal was first discussed on-list in the [Draft] Introducing
Build Configuration Tests for Platform Conditions
<http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.swift.evolution/12140/focus=12267&gt; thread
and then re-pitched in TBD <https://gist.github.com/erica/TBD&gt;\.
<conditional.md · GitHub

The term "build configuration" is subsumed by "conditional compilation
block". See this accepted patch
<conditional.md · GitHub;

Testing for platform conditions is a typical developer task. Although some
built-in features like CFByteOrderGetCurrentexist, it seems a natural
match for Swift to introduce conditional compilation blocks specific to
common platform conditions.

<conditional.md · GitHub

Swift currently supports the following platform configuration tests,
defined in lib/Basic/LangOptions.cpp.

   - The literals true and false
   - The os() function that tests for OSX, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, Linux,
   Windows, Android, and FreeBSD
   - The arch() function that tests for x86_64, arm, arm64, i386,
   powerpc64, s390x, and powerpc64le
   - The swift() function that tests for specific Swift language
   releases, e.g. swift(>=2.2)

The following platform configuration test has been accepted in SE-0075
<https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0075-import-test.md&gt; but
not yet implemented:

   - The canImport() function that tests whether specific modules can be

<conditional.md · GitHub

This proposal introduces several platform condition tests for use in
conditional compilation blocks: endianness, bitwidth, vendor, objc interop,
and simulator.
<conditional.md · GitHub;

Endianness refers to the byte order used in memory. This proposal exposes
endian test conditions, promoting them from private underscored names to
public developer-referencable ones.

// Set the "_endian" platform condition.
  switch (Target.getArch()) {
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::arm:
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::thumb:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::aarch64:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::ppc64:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "big");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::ppc64le:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::x86:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::x86_64:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::systemz:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "big");
    llvm_unreachable("undefined architecture endianness");

Under this proposal _endian is renamed to endian and made a public API.


if endian(big)
    // Big endian code

<conditional.md · GitHub;

Bitwidth describes the number of bits used to represent a number. This
proposal introduces a bitwidth test with two options: 32 and 64.


if bitwidth(64)
    // 64-bit code

List members briefly discussed whether it was better to measure pointer
width or the size of Int. William Dillon suggested renaming bitwidth to
either intwidth or intsize. Brent Royal-Gordon suggests intbits.
Alternatives include bitsand bitsize. This proposal avoids wordbits because
of the way, for example, Intel ends up doing “dword”, “qword”, and so forth
for backwards compatibility.
<conditional.md · GitHub;

A vendor describes the corporate or other originator of a platform. This
proposal introduces a test that returns platform vendor, with one option at
this time: Apple. Apple deployment provides an umbrella case for wide
range of coding norms that may not be available on non-Apple platforms.
This "family of targets" provides a simpler test than looking for specific
modules or listing individual operating systems, both of which provide
fragile approaches to this requirement.

This call would be supported in Swift's source-code by the existing
private getVendor() used in lib/Basic/LangOptions.cpp.


if vendor(Apple)
    // Code specific to Apple platform deployment

<conditional.md · GitHub;

Swift's Objective-C compatibility enables developers to build
mix-and-match projects with a mixed-language codebase. This proposal
introduces a test to determine whether the Objective-C runtime is available
for use. This test uses only one option, objc, although it could
potentially expand to other scenarios, such as jvm, clr, and C++.

if (EnableObjCInterop)
    addPlatformConditionValue("_runtime", "_ObjC");else
    addPlatformConditionValue("_runtime", "_Native")


if interop(objc)
    // Code that depends on Objective-C

<conditional.md · GitHub

Xcode simulators enable developers to test code on a wide range of
platforms without directly using physical devices. A simulator may not
offer the full suite of modules available with device deployment or provide
device-only hardware hooks like GPS. This proposal introduces a test for
simulator platform conditions, enabling developers to omit references to
unsupported features. It offers two options: simulator and device.

bool swift::tripleIsAnySimulator(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
    return tripleIsiOSSimulator(triple) ||
    tripleIsWatchSimulator(triple) ||

This proposal uses a targetEnvironment test as target or platform are too
valuable burn on this test.


if targetEnvironment(simulator)
    // Code specific to simulator use

This condition test would reduce the fragility and special casing
currently in use:

if (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)) && os(iOS)
    print("Probably simulator")

<conditional.md · GitHub
on Existing Code

This proposal is additive and should not affect existing code. Some
developers may refactor code as in the case of the simulator/device test.

<conditional.md · GitHub
Not accepting this proposal
swift-evolution mailing list

+1 on getting this proposal reviewed soon; I ran into the lack of
TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR today (and was about to send an email, before I
searched a little harder and found this).


On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 9:49 AM, Erica Sadun via swift-evolution < swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

This is an omnibus conditional compilation block proposal. It is built out
of Swift Evolution community requests and discussions dating back on
various threads to the genesis of the list.

   - This draft does not include tests for debug conditions. That was
   pitched under separate cover using runtime functions instead of conditional
   compilation blocks.
   - This draft does not include tests for OS versions, as that seems to
   be better addressed using the existing availability tests.
   - This draft is rewritten with respect to Jordan Rose's "Rename "build
   configurations" to "conditional compilation blocks"" swift commit
   <https://github.com/apple/swift/commit/6272941c5cba9581a5ee93d92a6ee66e28c1bf13&gt; from
   12 February (rdar://problem/19812930).
   - It is offered as an omnibus because all the tests fall under the
   same "conditional compilation block" umbrella. Using an omnibus reduces
   list traffic and demands on core team resources. It's understood that the
   proposal is likely to be accepted with modifications (or rejected as a
   whole) due to the multiple tests.

-- Erica

gist: conditional.md · GitHub

Enhancing the Platform Configuration Test Suite for Conditional
Compilation Blocks

   - Proposal: TBD
   - Author: Erica Sadun <http://github.com/erica&gt;
   - Status: TBD
   - Review manager: TBD

<conditional.md · GitHub;

This proposal introduces additional configuration tests to differentiate
platform conditions in conditional compilation blocks.

This proposal was first discussed on-list in the [Draft] Introducing
Build Configuration Tests for Platform Conditions
<http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.swift.evolution/12140/focus=12267&gt; thread
and then re-pitched in TBD <https://gist.github.com/erica/TBD&gt;\.
<conditional.md · GitHub

The term "build configuration" is subsumed by "conditional compilation
block". See this accepted patch
<conditional.md · GitHub;

Testing for platform conditions is a typical developer task. Although some
built-in features like CFByteOrderGetCurrentexist, it seems a natural
match for Swift to introduce conditional compilation blocks specific to
common platform conditions.

<conditional.md · GitHub

Swift currently supports the following platform configuration tests,
defined in lib/Basic/LangOptions.cpp.

   - The literals true and false
   - The os() function that tests for OSX, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, Linux,
   Windows, Android, and FreeBSD
   - The arch() function that tests for x86_64, arm, arm64, i386,
   powerpc64, s390x, and powerpc64le
   - The swift() function that tests for specific Swift language
   releases, e.g. swift(>=2.2)

The following platform configuration test has been accepted in SE-0075
<https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0075-import-test.md&gt; but
not yet implemented:

   - The canImport() function that tests whether specific modules can be

<conditional.md · GitHub

This proposal introduces several platform condition tests for use in
conditional compilation blocks: endianness, bitwidth, vendor, objc interop,
and simulator.
<conditional.md · GitHub;

Endianness refers to the byte order used in memory. This proposal exposes
endian test conditions, promoting them from private underscored names to
public developer-referencable ones.

// Set the "_endian" platform condition.
  switch (Target.getArch()) {
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::arm:
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::thumb:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::aarch64:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::ppc64:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "big");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::ppc64le:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::x86:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::x86_64:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "little");
  case llvm::Triple::ArchType::systemz:
    addPlatformConditionValue("_endian", "big");
    llvm_unreachable("undefined architecture endianness");

Under this proposal _endian is renamed to endian and made a public API.


if endian(big)
    // Big endian code

<conditional.md · GitHub;

Bitwidth describes the number of bits used to represent a number. This
proposal introduces a bitwidth test with two options: 32 and 64.


if bitwidth(64)
    // 64-bit code

List members briefly discussed whether it was better to measure pointer
width or the size of Int. William Dillon suggested renaming bitwidth to
either intwidth or intsize. Brent Royal-Gordon suggests intbits.
Alternatives include bitsand bitsize. This proposal avoids wordbits because
of the way, for example, Intel ends up doing “dword”, “qword”, and so forth
for backwards compatibility.
<conditional.md · GitHub;

A vendor describes the corporate or other originator of a platform. This
proposal introduces a test that returns platform vendor, with one option at
this time: Apple. Apple deployment provides an umbrella case for wide
range of coding norms that may not be available on non-Apple platforms.
This "family of targets" provides a simpler test than looking for specific
modules or listing individual operating systems, both of which provide
fragile approaches to this requirement.

This call would be supported in Swift's source-code by the existing
private getVendor() used in lib/Basic/LangOptions.cpp.


if vendor(Apple)
    // Code specific to Apple platform deployment

<conditional.md · GitHub;

Swift's Objective-C compatibility enables developers to build
mix-and-match projects with a mixed-language codebase. This proposal
introduces a test to determine whether the Objective-C runtime is available
for use. This test uses only one option, objc, although it could
potentially expand to other scenarios, such as jvm, clr, and C++.

if (EnableObjCInterop)
    addPlatformConditionValue("_runtime", "_ObjC");else
    addPlatformConditionValue("_runtime", "_Native")


if interop(objc)
    // Code that depends on Objective-C

<conditional.md · GitHub

Xcode simulators enable developers to test code on a wide range of
platforms without directly using physical devices. A simulator may not
offer the full suite of modules available with device deployment or provide
device-only hardware hooks like GPS. This proposal introduces a test for
simulator platform conditions, enabling developers to omit references to
unsupported features. It offers two options: simulator and device.

bool swift::tripleIsAnySimulator(const llvm::Triple &triple) {
    return tripleIsiOSSimulator(triple) ||
    tripleIsWatchSimulator(triple) ||

This proposal uses a targetEnvironment test as target or platform are too
valuable burn on this test.


if targetEnvironment(simulator)
    // Code specific to simulator use

This condition test would reduce the fragility and special casing
currently in use:

if (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)) && os(iOS)
    print("Probably simulator")

<conditional.md · GitHub
on Existing Code

This proposal is additive and should not affect existing code. Some
developers may refactor code as in the case of the simulator/device test.

<conditional.md · GitHub
Not accepting this proposal

swift-evolution mailing list

Coming at this thread very late, but… :slight_smile:

May I suggest pointerWidth instead of bitWidth?