I’m trying to make a landing page for the library target of my two-target Swift package (the other is a command line executable). Unfortunately, the DocC documentation isn’t precise about where to place files (it only says to create a file and name it “to match the name of the framework”). Moreover, the directories corresponding to my targets don’t match the target names, which I don’t believe they should have to, but maybe DocC is getting tripped up by that. The framework name is Raise3DPI
, the directory name is API
If I put the landing page inside the documentation catalog, when I generate the docs in Xcode, I get two top-level entries for my library. One is the landing page as an extension of the documentation generated from the source code. The other is generated for the documentation catalog in the target.
If I put it under API/
, it gets ignored.
My source tree looks like this:
├── Package.resolved
├── Package.swift
└── Sources
├── API
│ ├── Documentation.docc
│ │ ├── EnablingPrinterAPI.md
│ │ ├── Raise3DAPI.md
│ │ └── Resources
│ └── Raise3DAPI.swift
└── CLI
└── Raise3DCLI.swift
// swift-tools-version: 5.10
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "Raise3D",
platforms: [.macOS(.v13)],
.library(name: "Raise3DAPI", targets: ["Raise3DAPI"]),
.executable(name: "raise3d", targets: ["CLI"])
.package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser", from: "1.0.0"),
.package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-docc-plugin", from: "1.0.0"),
.target(name: "Raise3DAPI", path: "Sources/API"),
name: "CLI",
.product(name: "ArgumentParser", package: "swift-argument-parser"),
.target(name: "Raise3DAPI"),
Can anyone tell me where to put the markdown file that should be the top level of my individual targets’ documentation? I want to do something similar for the CLI.