On Feb 17, 2016 4:33 AM, "Erica Sadun via swift-evolution" < swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
That's beyond the scope of this proposal. If you want to discuss it, I
encourage you to start a separate thread.
-- E
On Feb 16, 2016, at 7:54 PM, Michael Wells <michael@michaelwells.com> > wrote:
Aren’t we removing the use of snake case in Swift 3? So should
@warn_unused_result be de-snake-cased?
On Feb 16, 2016, at 6:45 PM, Ricardo Parada via swift-evolution < > swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
It looks very good.
Thank you Erica.
On Feb 16, 2016, at 8:05 PM, Erica Sadun <erica@ericasadun.com> wrote:
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "MyRenamedProtocol")typealias MyProtocol = MyRenamedProtocol
@warn_unused_result(mutable_variant: "sortInPlace")public func sort() -> [Self.Generator.Element]
@available(*, deprecated, message: "it will be removed in Swift 3. Use the 'generate()' method on the collection.")public init(_ bounds: Range<Element>)
gist: attributes.md · GitHub
-- E
On Feb 16, 2016, at 5:43 PM, Charles Kissinger <crk@akkyra.com> wrote:
On Feb 16, 2016, at 4:08 PM, Erica Sadun via swift-evolution < > swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
This proposal is so narrow that I believe *every single example possible*
is already in there under motivation. Just sub out each "=" for ":" and you
have the entire extent of the change.
Hi Erica,
I think Ricardo means full examples of the new style, including @ symbol,
attribute-name, parens, attribute argument label and example attribute
arguments. There are no full examples in the proposal of either the
existing or proposed style.
It might seem nit-picky (and it is :-)), but that’s the only way for us to
evaluate how it will actually look in practice. (Yes, we could look up a
few and type them in somewhere ourselves, but it would be nice to have them
in the proposal.)
-- Erica
On Feb 16, 2016, at 5:03 PM, Ricardo Parada <rparada@mac.com> wrote:
Hi Erica,
I understand this is a draft and even though it may be obvious to many, I
would add a few examples with the proposed solution.
Ricardo Parada
On Feb 16, 2016, at 5:42 PM, Erica Sadun via swift-evolution < > swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
Thoughts and feedback appreciated. Thank you, -- Erica
Replacing Equal Signs with Colons For Attribute Arguments
- Proposal: TBD
- Author(s): Erica Sadun <http://github.com/erica>
- Status: TBD
- Review manager: TBD
<attributes.md · GitHub;
Attribute arguments are unlike other Swift language arguments. At the call
site, they use = instead of colons to distinguish argument names from
passed values. This proposal brings attributes into compliance with Swift
standard practices by replacing the use of "=" with ":" in this one-off
*Discussion took place on the Swift Evolution mailing list in the
[Discussion] Replacing Equal Signs with Colons For Attribute Arguments
thread. Thanks to Doug Gregor <https://github.com/DougGregor> for
suggesting this enhancement.*
<attributes.md · GitHub
Attributes enable developers to annotate declarations and types with
keywords that constrain behavior. Recognizable by their at-sign
<http://foldoc.org/strudel> "@" prefix, attributes communicate features,
characteristics, restrictions, and expectations of types and declarations
to the Swift compiler. Common attributes include @noescape for parameters
that cannot outlive the lifetime of a call, @convention, to indicates
whether a type's calling conventions follows a Swift, C, or (Objective-C)
block model, and @available to enumerate a declaration's compatibility
with platform and OS versions. Swift currently offers about a dozen
distinct attributes, and is likely to expand this vocabulary in future
language updates.
Some attributes accept arguments: @attribute-name(attribute-arguments)
including @available and @warn_unused_result. In the current grammar, an
equal sign separates attribute argument keywords from values:
Using = is out of step with other Swift parameterization call-site
patterns. Tweaking the grammar to match the rest of Swift introduces a
small change that adds consistency across the language.
parameter name: parameter value
<attributes.md · GitHub
This proposal replaces the use of = with : in the balanced tokens used to
compose an attribute argument clause along the following lines:
attribute → @ attribute-name attribute-argument-clause<sub>opt</sub>
attribute-name → identifier
attribute-argument-clause → ( balanced-tokens<sub>opt<opt> )
balanced-tokens → balanced-token
balanced-tokens → balanced-token, balanced-tokens
balanced-token → attribute-argument-label : attribute argument-value
This design can be summarized as "wherever current Swift attributes use =,
use : instead".
<attributes.md · GitHub
There are no alternatives to put forth other than not accepting this
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