While I understand the swift-ast-explorer is independent of swift-syntax, but the swift-syntax README links this tool for interactive exploration. Most of the use-cases have similar structure when parsed in swift-syntax and swift-ast-explorer, but I am encountering a specific use case during macro development.
If I look at @CodedAs(nil as String?)
syntax tree with swift-syntax with following code:
let attribute = AttributeSyntax(stringLiteral: "@CodedAs(nil as String?)")
it looks like following
├─atSign: atSign
├─attributeName: IdentifierTypeSyntax
│ ╰─name: identifier("CodedAs")
├─leftParen: leftParen
├─arguments: LabeledExprListSyntax
│ ╰─[0]: LabeledExprSyntax
│ ╰─expression: SequenceExprSyntax
│ ╰─elements: ExprListSyntax
│ ├─[0]: NilLiteralExprSyntax
│ │ ╰─nilKeyword: keyword(SwiftSyntax.Keyword.nil)
│ ├─[1]: UnresolvedAsExprSyntax
│ │ ╰─asKeyword: keyword(SwiftSyntax.Keyword.as)
│ ╰─[2]: TypeExprSyntax
│ ╰─type: OptionalTypeSyntax
│ ├─wrappedType: IdentifierTypeSyntax
│ │ ╰─name: identifier("String")
│ ╰─questionMark: postfixQuestionMark
╰─rightParen: rightParen
Notice that nil as String?
is parsed as SequenceExprSyntax
by swift-syntax. But when trying with swift-ast-explorer, nil as String?
is parsed as AsExprSyntax
swift-ast-explorer seems to be parsing correctly here according to documentation of AsExprSyntax
. How do I get this behaviour from swift-syntax? Is this a bug in swift-syntax?