Disable nested block comments?

I'm working on a Swift project involving Qdeql code. Since / is the "end loop" character and * means "print", it's not unreasonable for /* to be a sequence of characters that appears. This means that I have to be careful including code samples in block comments, because it'll recognize the code as a nested comment and complain about the comment not being adequately closed. (Accidentally ending a comment early, with */, is much less of a concern based on my experience so far.) Is it possible to disable nested block comments for a project or file?

You can't disable arbitrary parts of the language grammar, without compiling a custom fork of the Swift compiler.

I wonder if there's any way to escape these. Are they still treated as comment-start blocks if they're in a markdown code block? I doubt it, but worth a shot

Nope, this still complains about an unclosed block comment:


Wrapping examples in triple ticks using the modern comment docs syntax seems to work fine:

/// Some sample code
/// ```
/// /**/\-\/\// \==\/\/\/-=/ \=\/\/-=\/\/\// \/\/
/// ```
func doThing() {}

The main reason I want to use block comments is so that I don't have to type comment characters at the start of each line. I'm on Linux (technically WSL) for this project, and unlike Xcode, the VS Code plugin does not automatically add /// after you hit enter.

Could this be done by a custom swift lint rule?

I don't understand how a linter/formatter could help. My problem is that a block of code like this isn't valid because Swift thinks the comment was never closed:

func foo() { ... }

Instead, I have to do this:

*/ */
func foo() { ... }

I see. Is there an equivalent of Xcode's "command + /" to mark the selection commented/uncommented out with "//" ?

Alternatively maybe you could enclose that block in """ brackets to make it a multiline string?

Actually, I already tried making it a string. That doesn't work. Which is funny, because that defeats the whole purpose of making block comments nestable (commenting out large blocks of code without worrying about their contents).