Based on the docs, I tried to retrieve the URL of some resources in my package, but it seems to be impossible to do so ...
Doesn't matter if I use Bundle.module or Bundle.main to retrieve the URL of a file in a target of my package. In both cases, url(forResource: String, withExtension: String?) returned nil.
You can try the step by step guid as explained in docs in any package that you'd like, but you'll probably bump into the same issue as I did.
I've been successfully using package resources for years but there has been some hurdles, here's a couple things off the top of my head:
Pretty sure you got the basics since you're following the docs and your Bundle.module gets generated.
Metal librairies have a different name because they get processed, I think the extension changes to metallib
Same with CoreData models, I don't remember their extension
When localization is involved I've had issues with locale directory placement
When resource generation is involved I've sometimes had issues with resources being placed outside the bundle
Localized resource generation I've never managed to get my specific case working
I think the isLoaded property is meant for dynamic libraries within the bundle, like extensions. I don't remember where I saw that though so don't quote me on that!
Could you provide an example of how you have utilized package resources in your projects, either within the package itself or outside of it?
I couldn't use a single package resource with any kind of format ... I tried the settings.plist as explained in docs, metallib as you explained and even files without an extension and none of them worked.
let settingsURL = Bundle.module.url(forResource: "settings", withExtension: "plist")
Examples like this simply would not work for any resource inside of a module.
It successfully prints file:///Users/lancelot/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/raylib-examples-cbnjvpbaegxsqhadrivvnvswwhbn/Build/Products/Debug/swift-raylib-examples_Textures%20-%20Logo%20Raylib.bundle/Contents/Resources/logo.png.
I tried with your package, here's a pro-tip for debugging resources: in Xcode use Product > Show Build Folder in Finder then navigate to Products/Debug and you'll be able to see all of the generated bundles.
Something I forgot about Metal libraries, they're all pre-compiled and merged into a per-module library named default.metallib so individual .metal (or .metallib) files don't exist.
I fixed your color distortion test:
/// Always succeeds!
func testBundleSourceString() throws {
let url = Bundle.colorEffect.url(forResource: "default", withExtension: "metallib")
XCTAssertNotNil(url, "Failed to load ColorEffect metal library")
if let url {
You can also access the library via makeDefaultLibrary(bundle:) if you need it outside SwiftUI:
That work-around is no longer necessary, I've cloned your package and replaced ResourceHelper.url with Bundle.module.url, deleted ResourceHelper.swift and the entire test suite built and all tests succeed.