I'm reading in a 422 MB text file with ~28 million lines. Each line is 10-20 characters with a single space in the middle (pairs of ids).
Reading this into memory with String(contentsOfFile:) is very quick and takes just a second to run. However, just splitting it into an array of substrings takes a very long time. I've tried using a few options:
.split(separator: "\n")
Compared to other languages (Java, others), the speeds I'm observing with Swift are extremely slow (2-4x slower). Does anyone have recommendations for the fastest way to process a file line-by-line?
String(contentsOfFile:) unfortunately can hit some obscure slow paths in NSString. Any chance you could post an Instruments 'Time Profile' of this running?
An option here, if you know the sort of input you have, is to manually write a parser. Given your problem description, here's a basic proof of concept (written in about five minutes so excuse any bugs):
var string = """
Some string
made of
many lines
class Parser {
let string : String
var index : String.Index
init(string: String) {
self.string = string
self.index = string.startIndex
func nextId() -> Substring? {
if self.index == self.string.endIndex {
return nil
let endIndex = self.string[self.index...].firstIndex(where: { $0 == "\n" || $0 == " " }) ?? self.string.endIndex
let returnValue = self.string[self.index..<endIndex]
self.index = self.string[endIndex...].firstIndex(where: { $0 != "\n" && $0 != " " }) ?? self.string.endIndex
return returnValue
let parser = Parser(string: string)
while let id = parser.nextId() {
In practice, you may need to handle other newline characters (e.g. \r\n), and it may be better to perform the parsing on the string's utf8 or utf16 views for performance and compare against the characters in that encoding. This should be a good starting point, though, and avoids the overhead of e.g. allocating separate arrays and strings that split or components entail.
If you have details about the contents of the file (e.g. ASCII-only), String might not be your best option, as being unicode-correct is heavy performance-wise
Some results from my testing (on a ~500MB text file with lines averaging 10 characters long):
switch CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst().first {
case "ss": // >72 seconds (I cancelled before finishing)
let str = try String(contentsOf: url)
_ = str.split(separator: "\n")
case "sc": // 32.51 seconds
let str = try String(contentsOf: url)
_ = str.components(separatedBy: "\n")
case "ds": // 14.56 seconds
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
_ = data.split(separator: UInt8(ascii: "\n"))
case "das": // 7.04 seconds
let data = Array(try Data(contentsOf: url))
_ = data.split(separator: UInt8(ascii: "\n"))
case "dss": // 25.96 seconds
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
let str = data.withUnsafeBytes { String(decoding: $0, as: UTF8.self) }
_ = str.split(separator: "\n")
case "dus": // 4.82 seconds
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
data.withUnsafeBytes {
_ = $0.split(separator: UInt8(ascii: "\n"))
case "duss": // 9.48 seconds
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
_ = data.withUnsafeBytes {
return $0.split(separator: UInt8(ascii: "\n")).map { String(decoding: UnsafeRawBufferPointer(rebasing: $0), as: UTF8.self) }
print("Unknown argument")
As previously mentioned, the first case (using String contentsOf) is really slow due to the bridging that happens since String contentsOf is a cocoa method and returns an NSString:
Using contentsOf and then components:separatedBy stays in Cocoa land and avoids the heavy bridging, but Cocoa string processing isn't the most efficient
It appears Data still has some speed issues, so throwing an Array constructor in still speeds it up heavily. If you don't need Unicode correctness, this is definitely the way to go
The String(decoding:as:) constructor is a Swift one and therefore creates Swift native strings which process much faster. A lot of stuff still seems to be going on though
If you can do all of your processing at once inside of an withUnsafeBytes block, that will be the fastest since it avoids spamming retain on the main object. Note that 2.3 seconds of that was spent copying the array of splitted objects to a new buffer, so using a lazy split might improve this. It also might let the compiler avoid spamming retain / release if you did this with an Array.
Finally, thanks to the new short string optimizations, splitting and then initializing strings from the (now short) pieces worked really well. Note that for some reason keeping the pointer as a slice (not using the init(rebasing:) made it super slow. Maybe someone forgot an @inlinable somewhere in Slice?
And I got this results: Test Case '-[Performance_Tests.PerformanceTests testObjC]' passed (3.538 seconds). Test Case '-[Performance_Tests.PerformanceTests testSwift]' passed (5.702 seconds).
I implemented data.withUnsafeBytes to split by UInt8(ascii: "\n"), which seems to have helped. Splitting by newlines is no longer a substantial part of the entire program, and execution time (of the entire program, not just the splitting) has gone from 3.5 minutes to ~2 minutes, which is great.
I'll keep reviewing better ways to improve my specific code, but I'm satisfied with the \n splitting.
If you have Swift 5.1 available, you can use SE-0247's String.withUTF8, which will force the contents into an efficient, contiguous form and process on that.
Could you also try to force an eager bridge from NSString into native Swift String by doing something like:
var str = String(contentsOfFile: ...)
str += "" // Force bridge
makeContiguousUTF8() is basically the force-bridge (except for contiguous-nul-terminated-ASCII bridged strings, where we just have a slightly higher initial constant cost).
String.split() does not have the same semantics as what you described earlier, because it will first segment graphemes such that "\n\u{301}" is one Character and not equal to "\n". You probably don't want this semantics, nor do you want to spend the time doing the more complex grapheme analysis. You can try String.UTF8View.split() to cut out much of this overhead, but since it's the generic Collection version (and doesn't understand contiguity, at least not yet), it won't be as fast as your hand-written loop.
For anyone who's curious, the reason why bridging is so expensive here is because +stringWithContentsOfFile: doesn't null terminate its contents, which causes CFStringGetCStringPtr to return NULL.
It's a bad idea to do so if your UTF8View subsequence is splitting a scalar, and slightly dubious (but probably ok) if it's splitting a grapheme cluster.
Also, it's often better to just make an eager copy if small, as Substring participates in memory management of the larger String.