Development open for Swift 4.2.3 for Linux
We’re happy to announce the opening of the development phase for Swift 4.2.3 for Linux with a planned release by the end of February 2019. This is the first of the monthly dot-releases for Linux as outlined in the announcement. We’re still figuring out how to make the process as smooth as possible so please let us know if you have ideas.
And most importantly, keep the pull requests coming .
- Release managers: @johannesweiss (weissi on GitHub) & @kevints (kevints on GitHub)
- Merge window open: 5th February 2019 (now)
- Merge window close: 20th February
- Target branches: corelibs-foundation:swift-4.2-branch and corelibs-xctest:swift-4.2-branch
- Process documentation: see announcement