Design guidelines for computed property vs no-arg method

Why is eg the BinaryInteger.signum() a method and not a computed property?

public protocol BinaryInteger … {
    /// Returns `-1` if this value is negative and `1` if it's positive;
    /// otherwise, `0`.
    /// - Returns: The sign of this number, expressed as an integer of the
    /// type.
    public func signum() -> Self

The Swift API Design Guidelines doesn't say very much about computed
property vs method with no arguments, but it seems like signum() violates
them, no?


As a name, signum falls into the “term-of-art” category, so at least
that part is in conformance to the guidelines. In specialized areas
like this one, I generally defer to the domain experts, and IIRC our
numerics people thought a function was more appropriate. In general,
though, we were unable to come up with solid guidelines for the use of
properties vs. functions. You can read more about this in the thread
that starts here:



on Wed Jul 05 2017, Jens Persson <> wrote:

Why is eg the BinaryInteger.signum() a method and not a computed property?

public protocol BinaryInteger … {
    /// Returns `-1` if this value is negative and `1` if it's positive;
    /// otherwise, `0`.
    /// - Returns: The sign of this number, expressed as an integer of the
    /// type.
    public func signum() -> Self

The Swift API Design Guidelines doesn't say very much about computed
property vs method with no arguments, but it seems like signum() violates
them, no?


For me, a noun is a property, a verb is a method. So `foo` is a property,
`calculateFoo()` is a method.

For your specific question, `func signum() -> Self` returns `Self`, which
can't be used in property.
`var signum:Self { return self }` will generate an error "'Self' is only
available in a protocol or as the result of a method in a class".
So computed property can't be used here.

Zhao Xin


On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 7:57 PM, Jens Persson via swift-users <> wrote:

Why is eg the BinaryInteger.signum() a method and not a computed property?

public protocol BinaryInteger … {
    /// Returns `-1` if this value is negative and `1` if it's positive;
    /// otherwise, `0`.
    /// - Returns: The sign of this number, expressed as an integer of the
    /// type.
    public func signum() -> Self

The Swift API Design Guidelines doesn't say very much about computed
property vs method with no arguments, but it seems like signum() violates
them, no?


swift-users mailing list

This is not true, for example the following works:
extension BinaryInteger {
    var signumAsComputedProperty: Self {
        if self < 0 { return -1 }
        else if self > 0 { return 1 }
        else { return 0 }

BinaryInteger is a prosocol. But the following will also work:
struct S {
    var computedPropertyReturningSelf: S { return self }

So I'm not sure what you mean.


On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 6:52 PM, Zhao Xin <> wrote:

For your specific question, `func signum() -> Self` returns `Self`, which
can't be used in property.
`var signum:Self { return self }` will generate an error "'Self' is only
available in a protocol or as the result of a method in a class".
So computed property can't be used here.

Thanks, I'll read that thread.
I am however noting that FloatingPoint.sign is a computed property.
Seems to me like the "term-of-art" category is a rather fussy and
complicated/complicating concept.


On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 11:50 PM, Dave Abrahams via swift-users <> wrote:

As a name, signum falls into the “term-of-art” category, so at least
that part is in conformance to the guidelines. In specialized areas
like this one, I generally defer to the domain experts, and IIRC our
numerics people thought a function was more appropriate. In general,
though, we were unable to come up with solid guidelines for the use of
properties vs. functions. You can read more about this in the thread
that starts here:
The swift-evolution Archives

I understand. Unfortunately it is necessary unless we are going—for
example—to start spelling out sine(x) and cosine(x), which would not be
acceptable to important constituencies of the language.


on Wed Jul 05 2017, Jens Persson <> wrote:

On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 11:50 PM, Dave Abrahams via swift-users < >> wrote:

As a name, signum falls into the “term-of-art” category, so at least
that part is in conformance to the guidelines. In specialized areas
like this one, I generally defer to the domain experts, and IIRC our
numerics people thought a function was more appropriate. In general,
though, we were unable to come up with solid guidelines for the use of
properties vs. functions. You can read more about this in the thread
that starts here:
The swift-evolution Archives

Thanks, I'll read that thread.
I am however noting that FloatingPoint.sign is a computed property.
Seems to me like the "term-of-art" category is a rather fussy and
complicated/complicating concept.
