CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes EXC_BAD_ACCESS woes

Hi, apologies if this is not the correct forum for this type of question - I'm not sure where else active to post.

I have a requirement to save and load a (non-planar) CVPixelBuffer to a file (in raw uncompressed binary format, not as png, jpg, etc), but cannot get CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes to restore the data correctly.

The code fails with an exception "EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x16bb0c1ff)" which occurs repeatedly within "libsystem_platform.dylib`_platform_memmove:".

import Foundation
import CoreImage
import UIKit

struct TestPixelBuffer

    private static func debuginfo( _ heading : String, _ pixelBuffer : CVPixelBuffer )
        let width      = CVPixelBufferGetWidth( pixelBuffer )
          , height     = CVPixelBufferGetHeight( pixelBuffer )
          , pixelbytes = height * width * 4

        print( heading )
        print( "  width        = \( width )" )
        print( "  height       = \( height )" )
        print( "  pixelbytes   = \( pixelbytes )" )
        print( "  dataSize     = \( CVPixelBufferGetDataSize( pixelBuffer ) )" )
        print( "  bytesPerRow  = \( CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow( pixelBuffer ) )" )
        print( "  formatType   = \( CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType( pixelBuffer ) )" )

    static func save( _ url : URL, _ pixelBuffer : CVPixelBuffer )
        assert( !CVPixelBufferIsPlanar( pixelBuffer ) )
        CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress( pixelBuffer, CVPixelBufferLockFlags.readOnly )

        if let baseAddress = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress( pixelBuffer )
            let pointer  = baseAddress.assumingMemoryBound( to: UInt8.self )
              , rowbytes = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow( pixelBuffer )
              , width    = CVPixelBufferGetWidth( pixelBuffer )
              , height   = CVPixelBufferGetHeight( pixelBuffer )
              , pixbytes = rowbytes * height
              , data     = Data( bytes: pointer, count: pixbytes )

            try! data.write( to: url )
            Self.debuginfo( "saved", pixelBuffer )

            // For testing purposes, load back the same data immediately
            let _ = Self.load( url, width, height )

    static func load( _ url : URL, _ width : Int, _ height : Int ) -> CVPixelBuffer?
        if var data = try? Data( contentsOf: url, options: .uncached )
            let bytesPerRow  = width * 4

            var output : CVPixelBuffer?

            let result = CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes(
                kCFAllocatorDefault, width, height, kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA,
                &data, bytesPerRow, nil, nil, nil, &output )

            guard result == kCVReturnSuccess, let pixelBuffer = output else
                return nil

            Self.debuginfo( "loaded", pixelBuffer )

            // For testing purposes, check the data loaded correctly by using it
            let ciimage = CIImage( cvPixelBuffer : pixelBuffer )  // ok
              , uiimage = UIImage( ciImage: ciimage )             // ok
              , _       = uiimage.pngData()                       // EXC_BAD_ACCESS here

            return pixelBuffer
        return nil


The output of a run shows that the structure is (at least partially correctly) restored from the file data:

  width        = 1280
  height       = 720
  pixelbytes   = 3686400
  dataSize     = 3686464
  bytesPerRow  = 5120
  formatType   = 1111970369
  width        = 1280
  height       = 720
  pixelbytes   = 3686400
  dataSize     = 3686400
  bytesPerRow  = 5120
  formatType   = 1111970369

I've assumed the additional bytes reported by CVPixelBufferGetDataSize (above: dataSize vs pixelbytes) are not essential to consider since the loaded structure has the correct metrics - ref: avfoundation - Why CVPixelBufferGetDataSize always return 32-byte more data? - Stack Overflow

Any help much appreciated - thanks.

There are two problems that I notice here. The first is that when you pass data to CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes, via &data, you're actually passing a reference to the Data struct, not to its contents. Swift has an array-to-pointer conversion that means this would (at least partially) work if you tried passing e.g. a [UInt8], but with Data you need to use, in this case, withUnsafeMutableBytes.

The second issue you're going to run into is that CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes doesn't copy the passed-in memory, so the Data would keep ownership. There's nothing keeping the Data alive while the CVPixelBuffer is alive, so the returned CVPixelBuffer will likely end up pointing to invalid memory.

You have a couple of options here. What I'd suggest is you use CVPixelBufferCreate, get its storage with CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress, and then do:

data.copyBytes(to: CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(pixelBuffer).assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self), count: data.count)

Alternatively, if you want to potentially avoid an allocation, you could do:

let nsData = data as NSMutableData
let pixelBuffer = CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes(allocator, width, height, pixelFormat, nsData.mutableBytes, bytesPerRow, { dataRef, _ in Unmanaged<NSMutableData>.fromOpaque(dataRef).release() }, Unmanaged.passRetained(nsData).toOpaque(), nil)

(or strongly capture nsData within the release callback) to ensure the data stays live while the pixel buffer exists.


Thank you so much! Your guidance was dead on point and resolved everything, including my headache - I'm very grateful.

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