~Copyable and @dynamicmemberlookup

Playing around with wrapping some of my value types in noncopyable types generated the following in a playground under Xcode 15.1b2:

struct A { }
let a = A()

struct Ref<S>: ~Copyable {
    var value: S
    subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<S, T>) -> T {
        value[keyPath: keyPath]
let refA = Ref(value: a)

This produces:

error: couldn't IRGen expression. Please enable the expression log by running "log enable lldb expr", then run the failing expression again, and file a bug report with the log output.

Not quite sure a) how to do that last step or b) if this is supposed to work at this point. Thoughts?

ok, weird behavior from a playground. Here's a more precise version from trying to compile as a command line tool on Mac:

struct A { var a: String }

struct Ref<S>: ~Copyable {
    var value: S
    init(value: S) {
        self.value = value
    subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<S, T>) -> T {
        value[keyPath: keyPath]

let a = A(a: "Yo")
let refA = Ref(value: a)
_ = refA.value.a
_ = refA.value[keyPath: \.a]
_ = refA.a

print("hello, world!")

The line using the dynamicMember produces:

Copy of noncopyable typed value. This is a compiler bug. Please file a bug with a small example of the bug

Is this supposed to work yet?


Whether or not it's "supposed to work yet," it's worth a bug report. Any internal compiler diagnostic merits a bug report.

In this case, it appears to work on the nightly, so I think this has been fixed since 5.9 was cut? Compiler Explorer

CC @Joe_Groff @kavon