Copy of non copyable typed value?

I'm working on a project and just saw this message in Xcode:

Copy of noncopyable typed value. This is a compiler bug. Please file a bug with a small example of the bug

It's pointing at this line:

await withTaskGroup(of: (Float,Float).self) { group in

but I'm not sure that's meaningful enough for a report .. I'll add the entire code block below, but where would I start figuring out what to include in the report?

Is this really a compiler issue? I don't have a lot of confidence in my concurrency code.

Chunk of code with error in it...
internal func gradientDescent<I: SNLPIndex>(_ index: I?) async
        guard let hdEmbeddings else {
            fatalError("ldEmbeddings and hdEmbeddings must be initialized before gradient descent.")
        let computeValueAndGradient = valueAndGrad(loss)
        //var bestLoss: Float = .greatestFiniteMagnitude
        let bestLoss = Mutex<Float>(.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
        var earlyStopCounter = 0
        let totalSize = ldEmbeddings!.shape[0]
        await withTaskGroup(of: (Float,Float).self) { group in
            var numActiveThreads = 0
            var completed = 0
            /// Create a separate batch for each thread we want to process concurrently
            /// - Create a set of indices randomly that we plan on using for our calculations
            /// - Create working copies of low- and high-dimensional embedddings
            /// - Then, each thread will:
            ///     - Calculate high-dimensional affinities
            ///     - Calculate gradient
            ///     - return value and gradient norm so we can decide if we want to quit early
            for i in 0 ..< maxIterations {
                while numActiveThreads < numThreads {
                        group.addTask(priority: .high) { [learningRate = learningRate, batchSize = batchSize, breakIn = breakIn, earlyExaggeration = earlyExaggeration, computeValueAndGradient] in
                        // Randomly shuffle indices to select a batch
                        let indices = MLXArray((0 ..< totalSize).shuffled().prefix(batchSize))
                        // Create mini-batches for ldEmbeddings and hdEmbeddings based on selected indices
                        let ldBatch = self.ldEmbeddings![indices]
                        let hdBatch = hdEmbeddings[indices]
                            if let index = index {
                        let hdAffinities = tSNE.computeHighDimAffinities(data: hdBatch)
                        if i < breakIn {
                            hdAffinities *= earlyExaggeration
                        // Compute the gradient for the current batch
                        let (value, gradient) = computeValueAndGradient([ldBatch, hdAffinities])
                        // Update our ldEmbeddings estimate for the next batch
                        // Make sure we don't do this at the same time as another worker task
                        self.ldEmbeddingsMutex.withLock { _ in
                            for (i, idx) in indices.enumerated() {
                                self.ldEmbeddings![idx] -= learningRate * gradient[0][i]
                        return (value[0].item(), norm(gradient[0]).item())
                    numActiveThreads += 1
                    //print("New thread added: \(numActiveThreads)/\(numThreads) threads active")
                // Wait until we have room for additional Tasks                
                if let (value, gradientNorm) = await {
                    numActiveThreads -= 1
                    completed += 1
                    //If our gradient norm is too small, stop
                    if gradientNorm < minimumGradientNorm {
                        //print("Norm too small: \(completed)")
                    //If we're far enough into this process, monitor for whether we can early exit
                    if completed > breakIn {
                        // Evaluate the loss value
                        bestLoss.withLock { bestLoss in
                            if value < bestLoss {
                                bestLoss = value
                                earlyStopCounter = 0
                            } else {
                                earlyStopCounter += 1
                        if earlyStopCounter >= patience {
                            //print("Early stop: \(completed)")

Sometimes, the diagnostic message points to a misleading location. You can file bugs over at GitHub or on Feedback.

If you have proprietary code that can't be publicly posted, the latter is a good choice. In general, you'll want enough code that the compiler engineers can reproduce the problem in a self-contained way.

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Thanks ... it's not proprietary, but it is messy (I'm learning through making).

My hunch is that the generic type I've included is not Sendable, it's essentially just a wrapper around a FAISS index via SwiftFaiss. Would that make sense for this kind of error?

There are a lot of moving parts that I'm currently trying to reduce/simplify, so with any luck I'll be able to distill this down to a better example.

It doesn’t have to be clean, they’ll just want it to reproduce so that the issue can be fixed!

The error message tells you that something happened in the compiler which should never occur, even if your user code is buggy or outright ill-formed.

It may well be that you need something messy to trigger the problem, but that doesn’t make it any less of a bug…