Conflict handling of functions with the same signature


I'm writing some code, and it works, but I'm not sure how much I can trust that it'll continue to work.

Say I have an object like a calculator (it's not...but for the sake of this problem it doesn't matter), however my calculator only handles addition.

class Calculator {
	private(set) var total: Double = 0.0

I add some functions that allow basic types to be added to the total, like Int, Double...etc.

class Calculator {
	private(set) var total: Double = 0.0

	func add(_ value: Double) {
		total += value

	func add(_ value: Int) {
		total += Double(value)

All is working fine, but now I want to add a protocol that allows other people to allow their types to be added to my calculator. So I do something like this:

protocol Addable {
	func add(to calculator: inout Calculator)

class Calculator {
	private(set) var total: Double = 0.0

	func add(_ value: Double) {
		total += value

	func add(_ value: Int) {
		total += Double(value)

	func add(_ addable: Addable) {

And types can conform to it like this:

struct MyAddable: Addable {
	let someInt = 1
	let someDouble = 2.0

	func add(to calculator: inout Calculator) {

So far, this works fine (as far as pseudo code), but let's say somebody wants to use Addable as a type, for example this function:

struct MyObject {
	var calculator = Calculator()

	func add(_ addable: Addable) {

This will work, but as Int types, or Doubles don't conform to Addable, you can't call add(1) on MyObject, so conformance to Addable needs adding to Int and Double.

extension Int: Addable {
	func add(to calculator: inout Calculator) {

And this is where I'm getting confused. The signature on Calculator for adding an integer is surely the same as the the version that takes an Addable, but the implementation is quite different. Additionally, could it call itself recursively - for example could the Addable implementation on Int when attempting to call add(:) on Calculator, accidentally call the version that takes an Addable, as Int now conforms to this?

How are conflicts like this handled?

Does it work because MyObject is referring to an Addable, and not to a specific type, whereas the implementation on Int for Addable is referring to the concrete type? If so, can I trust this will "just work"?

Thanks and apologies for the convoluted example.