I have a macro with following definition:
@available(swift 5.9)
public macro CodedBy<Parent, Helper: HelperCoder, each Argument, each Property>(
_ helperAction: (repeat each Argument, repeat each Property) -> Helper,
arguments: repeat each Argument,
properties: repeat KeyPath<Parent, each Property>
) = #externalMacro(module: "MacroPlugin", type: "CodedBy")
When I try to use this macro with the following syntax ` @CodedBy(Image.IdentifierCoder.init, arguments: "text", properties: \ListItem.id)`
struct ListItem: Identifiable {
let title: String
@CodedBy(Image.IdentifierCoder.init, arguments: "text", properties: \ListItem.id)
let image: Image
let id: String
struct Image: Identifiable {
var id: String { identifier }
private(set) var identifier: String!
let width: Int
let height: Int
struct IdentifierCoder: HelperCoder {
let text: String
let id: String
func decode(from decoder: any Decoder) throws -> Image {
var image = try Image(from: decoder)
image.identifier = id
return image
func encode(_ value: Image, to encoder: any Encoder) throws
var image = value
image.identifier = nil
try image.encode(to: encoder)
I get the following errors:
Cannot convert value of type '@Sendable (String, String) -> ListItem.Image.IdentifierCoder' to expected argument type '(String, String) -> Helper'
Generic parameter 'Helper' could not be inferred
Why isn't compiler able to refer generic parameter Helper
is ListItem.Image.IdentifierCoder
This can be tested out by adding the code to MetaCodableTests
test target in this branch.