Compile Errors when Using the or-tools C++ Library in an SPM Package

Hello, I've been trying to use the or-tools C++ library in an SPM package but to no avail. My current strategy involves wrapping the built or-tools dylib into an xcframework, and then adding it as a binary target into my Swift package. Unfortunately, I end up with a ton of "no member named _ in namespace _" errors when trying to build the package. I tried doing the same thing with my own sample C++ library and it worked just fine, so I'm pretty sure it isn't a configuration issue.

Currently I'm only including one header in the clang module map, and invoking only one function in my program. Using the same build files, I run into no issues when invoking said function in a normal C++ project using CMake, so it seems that the problem is something specific to SPM or XCode.

Any ideas? I'd greatly appreciate any help, thanks in advance.

Link to the or-tools library

Link to the SPM package with build instructions

Output log with build errors