ClosedRange init with unordered bounds

Hello Swift Community.

During discussion of clamped function Add a `clamp` function to Algorithm.swift, it was found an interesting case with Ranges initialization.

func doSomething(val1: Double, val2: Double) {
  let offset = 10.clamped(to: val1...val2)

If val1 > val2, the app will crash with error "Can't form Range with upperBound < lowerBound"
To prevent this, we are forced to check that val1 < val2 every time, which is annoying.

let offset = 10.clamped(to: val1 <= val2 ? val1...val2 : val2...val1)

There also other situations, where Range bounds come from function arguments and because of that can't be checked at compile time:

func validatePaymentAmount(_ amount: Int, minAmount: Int, maxAmount: Int) -> ValidationResult {
  let validRange = ClosedRange(uncheckedBounds: (minAmount, maxAmount))

func didEndEditing(text: String) {
  let validator = SymbolsCountValidator(validCount: ClosedRange(uncheckedBounds: (lowerBound, upperBound))

let horizontalArea = ClosedRange(uncheckedBounds: (view1.frame.origin.x, view2.frame.origin.x)

Proposed solution

The idea is to add new initializer to Range, thanks to @benrimmington

extension ClosedRange {
  init(unorderedBounds: (leftBound: Bound, rightBound: Bound)) {
    let (leftBound, rightBound) = unorderedBounds
    let bounds: (lower: Bound, upper: Bound) = (leftBound <= rightBound ? (leftBound, rightBound) : (rightBound, leftBound))
    self.init(uncheckedBounds: bounds)

Source compatibility

This change is purely additive and should not affect source compatibility.

Effect on ABI stability

No known effect.

Effect on API resilience

No known effect.


If the intention is that the bounds are unordered, what is the meaning of “left” and “right” here, and why do they need to be labeled?

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“left” and “right” are used here as an example and for readability, keeping in mind number axis. I don't propose for this variant. We can just as well use "firstBound" / "secondBound" names or even unlabeled tuple.

My own thoughts now is that labeled tuple is better than unlabeled.

  1. labeled variables are not visible form the call site, ClosedRange(unorderedBounds: (1, 3)).
    In that time, they are visible when reading method documentation and declaration.
  2. "firstBound" / "secondBound" seems to be more suitable than "leftBound" / "rightBound"

Who do others think?

I've just needed this in my project. Suggestion though, wouldn't it be more readable if simplified to something like:

public extension ClosedRange {
    init(unorderedLeft left: Bound, right: Bound) {
        if left <= right {
            self.init(uncheckedBounds: (left, right))
        } else {
            self.init(uncheckedBounds: (right, left))

I will try to make an implementation during this weekend to push this pitch further.

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