Swift 5.9.2 is dead on all platforms... What's happened?
The main branch isn't Swift 5.9.2. Breaking CI happens from time to time and you can be assured it will be fixed in short order; this will only really affect you if you're trying to merge code into the Swift compiler codebase right this second.
Thanks for clarifying.
It's first time I've seen it fail on ALL platforms. Hence the concern.
i picked a bad time to (re)learn how to compile the compiler…
I just built the compiler for 3 different builds today using the 20th November snapshot.
This is how to do it:
git clone
cd swift
git checkout swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2023-11-20-a
utils/update-checkout --clone-with-ssh --scheme main --match-timestamp
utils/build-script ...
The clone-with-ssh flag is my preferred way of cloning
Development Snapshots are built from the main branch. If you look on under the Trunk main section, those are built from the main branch. Of which, I used the 20th November one.
--match-timestamp does is git checkout the required libraries at that particular time which helped build the whole compiler.
Have fun with the compiler!