Cannot form key path to actor-isolated property

I was thinking about creating a DI using Actors to ensure data race safety and was exploring the idea. But this error was fired in my face :sweat_smile: saying "Cannot form key path to actor-isolated property 'networkProvider' " . I don't understand the error and if it's not allowed to write keyPath for actors ?

Here is the code:

public actor InjectedValues {
    /// This is only used by the subscript to access the computed property's in the ``InjectedValues`` extension.
    private static var current = InjectedValues()
    /// This is a static subscript to read and update the currentValue of the ``InjectionKey``.
    public static subscript<K>(key: K.Type) -> K.Value where K: InjectionKey {
        get { key.currentValue }
        set { key.currentValue = newValue }
    /// This is a static subscript to reference and update the dependencies directly.
//    public static subscript<T>(_ keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<InjectedValues, T>) -> T {
//        get async { current[keyPath: keyPath] }
//    }

    public static func update<T>(_ keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<InjectedValues, T>, _ value: T) async {
        self.current[keyPath: keyPath] = value

// Usage 
await InjectedValues.update(\.networkProvider, NetworkProviderMock()) // Error: Cannot form key path to actor-isolated property 'networkProvider