Cannot create tables of images in documentation?

i was dismayed to find that swift-markdown does not support tables of images in rendered documentation:


as i was investigating the cause of the issue, i discovered that swift-markdown cannot actually parse <img> tags in markdown tables, so it just vomits them back as raw HTML.

| ``PNG/Chunk/IDAT`` chunks | image snapshot           |
| ---:| ----------------------------------------------:|
|   1 | <img src="OnlineDecoding-progressive-0.png"/>  |
|   2 | <img src="OnlineDecoding-progressive-1.png"/>  |
|   3 | <img src="OnlineDecoding-progressive-2.png"/>  |
|   4 | <img src="OnlineDecoding-progressive-3.png"/>  |
|   5 | <img src="OnlineDecoding-progressive-4.png"/>  |
|   6 | <img src="OnlineDecoding-progressive-5.png"/>  |
|   7 | <img src="OnlineDecoding-progressive-6.png"/>  |
|   8 | <img src="OnlineDecoding-progressive-7.png"/>  |
|   9 | <img src="OnlineDecoding-progressive-8.png"/>  |
|  10 | <img src="OnlineDecoding-progressive-9.png"/>  |
|  11 | <img src="OnlineDecoding-progressive-10.png"/> |
|  12 | <img src="OnlineDecoding-progressive-11.png"/> |

how to create image tables in documentation?

actually, it seems this is specific to specifying image width using the HTML tag, which i had blindly copied over from GitHub-flavored markdown. the normal markdown ![]() shorthand works fine in tables. i suppose the easiest solution is to just downscale all the images to fit in the table cells.

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