Cannot assign value of type '[ApplicationToken]' (aka 'Array<Token<Application>>') to type 'SettingMetadata<Set<Application>>'

I'm very new to swift and I'm trying to make an app that disables user selected apps with the FamilyControls, ManagedSettings, Device Activity, and ManagedSettings UI frameworks. The code I've come up with so far is a combination of me looking at documentation and using chatgpt(not super helpful). The error that is the title of this post is what I get when I try to apply ShieldSettings to the applications, categories, and webdomains the user has selected. I'm sure I've done plenty of things wrong but would love some direction. The code is below

class Authorization {
let center = AuthorizationCenter.shared

func RequestAuthorization() async {
    do {
        try await center.requestAuthorization(for: FamilyControlsMember.individual)
    } catch {
        // handle errors

struct AppSelectionView: View {
    @State var selection = FamilyActivitySelection()
    @State var isPresented = false
    var body: some View {
        Button("Present FamilyActivityPicker") {isPresented = true}
            .familyActivityPicker(isPresented: $isPresented, selection: $selection)
            .onChange(of: selection, initial: true ) { newSelection,<#arg#>  in
                let applications =  selection.applications
                let categories =    selection.categories
                let webDomains =    selection.webDomains
    func applyRestrictions() {
        let selectedApps =          selection.applications
        let selectedCategories =    selection.categories
        let selectedWebDomains =    selection.webDomains
        let appTokens ={$0.token!}
        let categoryTokens = {$0.token!}
        let webDomainTokens = { $0.token!}
        applyManagedSettings(for: appTokens, categories: categoryTokens, webDomains: webDomainTokens)
    func applyManagedSettings(for appTokens: [ApplicationToken], categories: [ActivityCategoryToken], webDomains: [WebDomainToken]) {
        ShieldSettings.applications = appTokens
        ShieldSettings.applicationCategories = categories
        ShieldSettings.webDomains = webDomains
