Building swift-sample-distributed-actors-transport

This has not been worked on at all on the main branch there, so don't expect any changes there.

There has not been a new toolchain between 6th and 23rd December making the updating somewhat tricky as we needed the "latest" one, which didn't happen until December 23rd, and then x-mas happened. I'm happy that you're eager to try this out, but as I said -- we're in the middle of rewriting the runtime and it is tough to keep the sample project aligned with the moving toolchain, especially as it is so tricky to get one released for snapshot builds (which is independent of our work).

In any case, this update to latest toolchains by ktoso · Pull Request #4 · apple/swift-sample-distributed-actors-transport · GitHub represents an update of the major pieces. Though still some missing things.

As we cannot merge or release toolchains as all the branches are locked during the x-mas break anyway, I would not expect work to happen during the Christmas break here.

I'm happy that you're eager to explore this, but as I said up-thread, it is too early to expect this to be stable, but we're very close: all things should be in-place in early January.

instead, for now I'd suggest discussing the proposals:

You'll notice the sample heading towards the new 'runtime', but it is not entirely implemented yet; so I don't want to churn a lot of time updating the sample while we're not done with the runtime (re-)implementation yet.