Building and Distributing a XCTest Dependent Test XCFramework - SwiftVerifyEmittedModuleInterface

I am trying to build an XCFramework for testing targets that will run only on simulators. This framework depends on the XCTest framework and will expose some XCTest components publicly. Here is an example of my code:


import XCTest

public typealias TTTTTTestAttachment = XCTAttachment

public struct TTTTT: Equatable {
    let abc: Int = 3

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I have only the XCTest framework as my dependency. However, I am encountering an issue when building the framework target. The error message I receive is:

SwiftVerifyEmittedModuleInterface normal Verifying emitted module interface

To work around this (It is not ideal to disable this verify step), I added the -no-verify-emitted-module-interface flag to Other Swift Flags under Target -> Build Settings. This allowed me to generate the XCFramework using the following commands:

xcodebuild archive  -project BasicTestFramework.xcodeproj -scheme BasicTestFramework -destination "generic/platform=iOS Simulator" -archivePath "archives/BasicTestFramework" SKIP_INSTALL=NO BUILD_LIBRARIES_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES

xcodebuild -create-xcframework -archive <ROOT>BasicTestFramework/archives/BasicTestFramework.xcarchive   -framework <ROOT>/BasicTestFramework/archives/BasicTestFramework.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/BasicTestFramework.framework   -output xcframeworks/BasicTestFramework.xcframework

However, when I import the BasicTestFramework into another project, I get the following error:

Failed to build module 'BasicTestFramework' for importation due to the errors above; the textual interface may be broken by project issues or a compiler bug

I need some help resolving this issue. There is not much information available regarding XCTest-dependent frameworks. I am using Xcode 16 and Swift 5. Here is the source code for my example project: GitHub Repository

I would appreciate any direction for this problem.
Kind regards,