In the screenshot example, I'd expect only methodOnAllThings() and methodOnThingsWhereFooIsInt() to show up in the list of code completions, but Xcode will list all methods in all extensions, including methodOnThingsWhereFooIsBool() even though thing is clearly an instance of a type where Foo is Int, not Bool.
I know this might be something Xcode specific and thus OT here, but the error message in the code example below the screenshot makes me wonder if it's caused by something in the Swift implementation?
Hi Jens! This is a code completion bug, meaning it is a Swift bug. I filed the same issue almost a year ago, and probably there are some dupes roaming on JIRA as well. The senseless error message is a separate issue that also deserves a SR number.
: (
As can be seen, onlyIfKindIsFoo() is there even though it shouldn't. But cutting and pasting all the code into main.swift will result in the expected single entry list of completions:
The project we're currently working on relies heavily on a code construct like this but this issue takes away much of the joy of using it (veeery long lists of code completions where 90% of the entries are useless/irrelevant). So a fix for this would be greatly appreciated!
Here's another perhaps simpler way to demonstrate it:
extension Array where Element == Int {
// This foo() method will (unexpectedly) _always_ be
// visible in code completion of any Array value,
// regardless of what type Element is.
func foo() { }
func test() {
let nonIntArray = ["hello", "world"]
// NOTE 1: foo() is in list of completions for `nonIntArray.`.
// NOTE 2: This nonsensical error message: // ERROR: [String]' is not convertible to 'Array<Int>'
And perhaps even simpler, this (what I guess is a) manifestation of the same bug:
let floatRange = Float(0) ..< Float(1)
floatRange.cou // ERROR: Value of type 'Range<Float>' has no member 'cou'; did you mean 'count'?
even though Range<Float>has nocount.
(You'd get an error if you followed the error message's unhelpful "did you mean count?").
(I'd expect count to not even show up in the list of code completions for floatRange.)