Await keyword is no member of the "Language reference/Lexical Structure/Keywords and Punctuation"

Hi Team!
I am writing a Backus–Naur form reference for myself. I realized that
the keyword for the newly available await-operatorawait operator is not in any category of the "Language reference/Lexical Structure/Keywords and Punctuation" (lexicon) list
As you may check it and add it wouldn't do us any harm :slight_smile: Thank you for considering my observation!


Hello! I'm one of the writers who works on "The Swift Programming Language".

Are you looking at the list under Keywords and Punctuation? I think await is missing from this list:

Keywords used in expressions and types: Any, as, catch, false, is, nil, rethrows, self, Self, super, throw, throws, true, and try.

Both try and await appear in similar places the grammar, so I think this is an error in the documentation.

EDIT: If you have a GitHub account, you can open an issue on the open-source Git repository for TSPL. Otherwise, I can create the issue for you.

Thank you, Alex! I have opened the issue.

Thanks — I've opened a pull request with the correction.

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SuperB I like the way you write. I appreciate the documentation you create for my favorite language.

I might have some other errors identified . Would you like me to open issue one by one? Or should I start with the forum? Or discuss issues with you first?



In general, please open GitHub issues for bugs in "The Swift Programming Language". If the errors are related, they can all be in the same issue — for example, if a word is spelled wrong in several places, or several grammar rules around a piece of syntax are incorrect. Otherwise, please use a separate issue for each error.

If you know how to fix the error, you can also create a pull request and mark it as "Fixes #123" after you create the issue. For more information about that process, see the CONTRIBUTING file.

If you're not sure whether something is a bug, or if you think we should discuss what the error is, the forum is a good place to start. In contrast, if you're sure something is a bug, but you want to discuss how to fix it, we can have that discussion on the GitHub issue.