On Apr 25, 2016, at 11:43 AM, Joseph Bell via swift-dev <swift-dev@swift.org> wrote:
What I've found out so far is that the tree built in the 'install' directory (./install/usr) is not suitable to live side-by-side with /usr/ on the host machine. My original approach (documented on http://dev.iachieved.it/iachievedit/\) was to ball everything up into a .deb package that installed as an overlay to /usr/, this was just to make it simple to get started.
Now with swift-2.2 and swift-3.0 and the possibility one might want to use both (python2.7, python3), I'm going to change over to placing in /opt/swift/VERSION and provide some alternatives mechanism, OR, use the approach that python2.7, 3, etc. use where there is a /usr/bin/python2.7/, /usr/lib/python2.7/, etc. and /usr/bin/python links back there.
tl;dr: I don't know what occurs exactly but the equivalent of rsync -a ./install/usr/ /usr/ (overlay) causes mayhem for starting the REPL.
On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 8:02 AM, Joseph Bell <joe@iachieved.it <mailto:joe@iachieved.it>> wrote:
I've just noticed (thanks to you Ryan) that compiler-rt is indeed checked out and included in the 14.04 build but not the 15.10. I'm going to rebuild from the ground up on 15.10 to see if it grabs compiler-rt and reproduces, as this is being checked out by the ci.swift.org <http://ci.swift.org/> CI server.
This error occurs before any downstream packaging (deb) and is failing the build itself (on the test REPL, it can't even load). Will report back in a bit.
On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 7:52 AM, Ryan Lovelett <swift-dev@ryan.lovelett.me <mailto:swift-dev@ryan.lovelett.me>> wrote:
On Sun, Apr 24, 2016, at 05:44 PM, Joseph Bell via swift-dev wrote:
Well, I thought the REPL issues had all been put to rest, but now I am seeing this on Ubuntu 14.04 (15.10 I do not see it):
➜ package-swift-3.0 git:(swift-3.0) ✗ ./install/usr/bin/swift
==18928==ASan runtime does not come first in initial library list; you should either link runtime to your application or manually preload it with LD_PRELOAD.
This is with the "master" branches that build Swift 3.0, hashes:
$ swift swiftrevs.swift
Is anyone else building the world on Ubuntu 14.04 that can verify this?
I have seen this behavior many times in many scenarios. Almost always it has to do with a build parameter.
Recently I have noticed that compiling with the "compiler-rt" project seems to cause this issue frequently. I do not understand what "compiler-rt" is, or what its value to Swift is, so I just omit it from my builds. It maybe worth while to do the same and rebuild and see if it goes away.
I would think that if "compiler-rt" is the source of the issues then something likely needs to be submitted to bugs.swift.org <Issues · apple/swift · GitHub.
Another thing to check is if your packaging Swift (dep, rpm, pacman, etc...) that you are do not strip symbols from binaries and libraries as part of packaging.
Joseph Bell
iAchieved.it – Thoughts from a Technology Leader
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Joseph Bell
iAchieved.it – Thoughts from a Technology Leader
Joseph Bell
iAchieved.it – Thoughts from a Technology Leader
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