Where should we home it, apple vs. swift-server —> apple, it will be under Apple · GitHub, like logging
Vote: Unanimous yes, to sandbox
Tanner will post a Feedback thread that includes the changes from the Discussion thread
to be voted on next SSWG meeting
@IanPartridge reduced the size of the official docker images by a lot, the smaller versions will become available with Swift 5.0.1
Can we have nightlies on docker? We would need a new apple account on Dockerhub because the 'official' repository is for releases only and needs to be authorised by Docker themselves, so we couldn't automatically push a release every night.
@johannesweiss to ask the relevant people if it would be feasible to get a separate Apple account on Dockerhub that CI can push to automatically every night.
Should we have a slimmed-down runtime image? Ian will post in forums
Other proposals discussions
Great quality and quantity feedback for Redis
Need: Common API shape for making connections
Ideally the APIs look & feel similarly and there are things that always need to happen like 'use this EventLoopGroup' or 'create new ELG'
Need: Connection pooling for all client libs
Connection pool: @tomerd will seek input from Apple JVM folks that have similar technology on Netty
Version numbers for packages
SSWG approved packages should tag 1.0.0 even if they are still in 'sandbox' because that works best with SemVer. We can always rev the major version to 2.0.0 if necessary.
The only meaning attached to 1.0.0 is "we follow SemVer"