Adding EXCLUDED_ARCHS settings in Package.swift

Hi guys!
I need to add the following build settings option:


I tried using the following option:

// swift-tools-version:5.7
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "IndomioCore",
    platforms: [
    products: [
            name: "IndomioCore",
            targets: ["IndomioCore"])
    dependencies: [
    	.package(name: "IndomioCommons", path: "../IndomioCommons"),
    targets: [
            name: "IndomioCore",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "IndomioCommons", package: "IndomioCommons"),
            swiftSettings: [
                .define("EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*] = arm64")

but it does not work, it does not appear. What I'm missing?

EXCLUDED_ARCHS is an Xcode-specific build setting, SwiftPM has no support for setting it. In contrast, the defines API is a way for passing a -D flag to the Swift compiler.

If you pass overriding build settings to xcodebuild, those will apply to packages as well, so that might be a way to do what you're trying to do, but I am not sure if that supports conditionals and also it won't apply to builds in the Xcode IDE.