[Accepted with modifications] SE-0450: Package traits

The review of SE-0450: Package traits ended on Nov 7th, 2024, and the core team has decided to accept the proposal with modifications.

Feedback on the proposal was overwhelmingly positive. The section regarding "Allowed Characters for Trait Names" has been revised to eliminate the following two requirements:

  • The first character must be a Unicode XID start character (most letters), a digit, or _.
  • Subsequent characters must be a Unicode XID continue character (a digit, _, or most letters), -, or +.

Pitch: Package traits
Review: SE-0450: Package traits

Mishal Shah
Review Manager


This is great! Do we know in which version of Swift we should expect this feature to appear?


The proposal is now updated with latest status, and it's Status: Implemented (Swift 6.1)