[Accepted] SE-0454: Custom Allocator for Toolchain (adopt mimalloc for Windows toolchain)

The review for SE-0454, Custom Allocator for Toolchain ran from Jan 9 through Jan 23, 2025. The Platform Steering Group has decided to accept the proposal.

The proposal itself was almost entirely uncontroversial; there was some mention of licensing concerns, which is an issue that is worth raising when people spot potential problems but is not a technical issue and so is out of scope for the Evolution process per se*. While a potential issue with swift-inspect was raised, this was not considered a blocker as the issue of swift-inspect walking the heap is a general one that does not just affect Windows.

There was some discussion about the appropriateness of the Evolution process for this kind of change; that was moved to a separate thread as it is off topic for the review itself.

Thank-you to everyone who contributed to the discussion.

* Licensing is a matter for the Core Team, as is the addition of new dependencies to the compiler build.