[Accepted] SE-0283: Tuples conform to Equatable, Comparable, and Hashable

The review of SE-0283 has concluded.

Almost all the feedback we received was positive, and the Core Team is convinced that this is a great incremental step forward. Some excellent points on possible concern over future tech debt in the compiler and runtime were brought up, but the Core Team believes that it is manageable and that this proposal helps push Swift forward in a positive direction.

SE-0283 is accepted.

Thank you for your contributions to Swift.

Saleem Abdulrasool
Review Manager


Question, I don’t mean to be a bother, but I read that if proposals are not implemented within a year, they are no longer accepted, and it’s been over a year…or has the guidance changed?


It will soon be 2 years since this feature has been accepted. Should we consider it now has rejected ?

The standing rule, I believe, is that if proposals are not implemented within 1 year of acceptance, they revert to “unreviewed” and must go through evolution again. Unless this has changed?

Hello @Joe_Groff @Alejandro @tkremenek the implementation PR for this proposal was merged and then reverted in 2020 and then a draft PR appeared again in 2021, do you know if it had been reimplemented or? Sorry for the nudge, but is there any update please?


This feature is particularly complicated to implement completely. Some foundational bits in the compiler and runtime are improving and would make it easier, but there is no update on when it will be fully implemented.



Should we update the proposal status to reflect that reality?


It also seems that once proposal implemented again it should also include Sendable in the list of automatically synthesized protocols.

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