Proposal Link: swift-evolution/ at master · apple/swift-evolution · GitHub
The review of SE-0031 "Adjusting inout Declarations for Type Decoration" ran from Feb 11…15, 2016. The proposal has been *accepted*:
* The community and core team both widely agree that it makes sense to move the inout keyword into the type position.
* This reinforces commonality between the declaration and type syntax.
* This reduces complexity in the Swift 3 language, since this eliminates the last keyword next to a name in a parameter list - Swift 3 has eliminated var/let in that position.
Contributor Daniel Duan is way ahead of the game here and has already submitted a pull request (\) to implement this improvement.
Thank you to Erica Sadun and Joe Groff for driving this forward, and Daniel Duan for working on an implementation of this change!
-Chris Lattner
Review Manager