A novel binary integer abstraction
Hello, everybody! I'm working on a novel binary integer abstraction on GitHub.
I thought I'd share it in case some of you find it interesting. It unifies fixed-width and variable-width representations and brings recovery mechanisms to generic code. It's experimental, and I don't expect it to stabilize anytime soon, but it's still super neat in its current state. It's more or less at the point where I want to build something with it and iterate based on that experience.
I'm 5 months and (128,665 ++, 102,232 --) deep into it.
It features 8-bit to 64-bit integers, a generic un/signed double-width model, and a generic un/signed big-integer type. It also introduces a notion of infinity to ensure invariants like ~(~(x)) == x for all x.
The README.md is a work in progress, but it explains the new concepts.
Also, I have seen @wadetregaskis mention my predecessor project Numberick a few times, and I appreciate the positive commentary. Thanks! Having said that, I don't plan on maintaining the old project since the new abstraction is much more powerful.
Example: constant-foldable generic comparisons...
extension BinaryInteger {
@inlinable public func compared<Other>(to other: Other) -> Signum where Other: BinaryInteger {
if let lhsSize = UX(size: Self.self), let rhsSize = UX(size: Other.self) {
if lhsSize < rhsSize {
return Other(load: self).compared(to: other)
} else if lhsSize > rhsSize {
return self.compared(to: Self(load: other))
} else if Self.isSigned, !Other.isSigned {
return self .isNegative ? Signum.less : Other(load: self).compared(to: other)
} else if !Self.isSigned, Other.isSigned {
return other.isNegative ? Signum.more : self.compared(to: Self(load: other))
} else {
return self.compared(to: Self(load: other))
} else {
// note that the elements must be rebindable one way or the other
if Other.elementsCanBeRebound(to: Self.Element.Magnitude.self) {
return self.withUnsafeBinaryIntegerElements { lhs in
(other).withUnsafeBinaryIntegerElements(as: Self.Element.Magnitude.self) { rhs in
lhs: lhs, lhsIsSigned: Self .isSigned,
rhs: rhs, rhsIsSigned: Other.isSigned
} else {
Swift.assert(Self.elementsCanBeRebound(to: Other.Element.Magnitude.self))
return self.withUnsafeBinaryIntegerElements(as: Other.Element.Magnitude.self) { lhs in
(other).withUnsafeBinaryIntegerElements { rhs in
lhs: lhs, lhsIsSigned: Self .isSigned,
rhs: rhs, rhsIsSigned: Other.isSigned
Example: a fully generic and fully recoverable Fibonacci sequence...
@frozen public struct Fibonacci<Value> where Value: BinaryInteger {
// MARK: State
@usableFromInline var i: Value
@usableFromInline var a: Value
@usableFromInline var b: Value
// MARK: Initializers
/// Creates the first sequence pair.
@inlinable public init() {
self.i = 0
self.a = 0
self.b = 1
/// Creates the sequence pair at the given `index`.
@inlinable public init(_ index: Value) throws {
if Bool(index.appendix) {
throw Value.isSigned ? Failure.indexOutOfBounds : Failure.overflow
try index.withUnsafeBinaryIntegerElementsAsBytes {
let x = $0.body.count(.nondescending(.zero))
for i in (0 ..< x).reversed() {
try self.double()
if $0.body[unchecked: i &>> 3] &>> U8(load: i) & 1 != 0 {
try self.increment()
// MARK: Accessors
/// The sequence `index`.
@inlinable public var index: Value {
/// The sequence `element` at `index`.
@inlinable public var element: Value {
/// The sequence `element` at `index + 1`.
@inlinable public var next: Value {
// MARK: Transformations
/// Forms the sequence pair at `index + 1`.
@inlinable public mutating func increment() throws {
let ix = try i.plus(1).prune(Failure.overflow)
let bx = try a.plus(b).prune(Failure.overflow)
self.i = consume ix
self.a = b
self.b = consume bx
/// Forms the sequence pair at `index - 1`.
@inlinable public mutating func decrement() throws {
let ix = try i.minus(1).veto({ $0.isNegative }).prune(Failure.indexOutOfBounds)
let ax = try b.minus(a).prune(Failure.overflow)
self.i = consume ix
self.b = a
self.a = consume ax
// MARK: Transformations
/// Forms the sequence pair at `index * 2`.
@inlinable public mutating func double() throws {
let ix = try i.times(2).prune(Failure.overflow)
let ax = try b.times(2).minus(a).times (a).prune(Failure.overflow)
let bx = try b.squared().plus(a.squared()).prune(Failure.overflow)
self.i = consume ix
self.a = consume ax
self.b = consume bx
/// Forms the sequence pair at `index + x.index`.
@inlinable public mutating func increment(by x: Self) throws {
let ix = try i.plus (x.i).prune(Failure.overflow)
let ax = try a.times(x.b).plus(b.minus(a).times(x.a)).prune(Failure.overflow)
let bx = try b.times(x.b).plus( (a).times(x.a)).prune(Failure.overflow)
self.i = consume ix
self.a = consume ax
self.b = consume bx
/// Forms the sequence pair at `index - x.index`.
@inlinable public mutating func decrement(by x: Self) throws {
let ix = try i.minus(x.i).veto({ $0.isNegative }).prune(Failure.indexOutOfBounds)
var a0 = b.times(x.a).value
var a1 = a.times(x.b).value
var b0 = b.plus(a).times(x.a).value
var b1 = b.times(x.b).value
if Bool(x.i.leastSignificantBit) {
Swift.swap(&a0, &a1)
Swift.swap(&b0, &b1)
self.i = consume ix
self.a = a1.minus(a0).value
self.b = b1.minus(b0).value
// MARK: * Failure
public enum Failure: Error {
/// Tried to form a sequence pair that cannot be represented.
case overflow
/// Tried to form a sequence pair at an index less than zero.
case indexOutOfBounds