Thanks for that tip! It looks like that library could definitely help, but it does sounds like based on their documentation that all suites would need to be .serialized
and parallel suite testing would also have to be disabled since "under the hood it relies on a global, mutable variable in the Swift runtime to do its job, and there are no scoping guarantees should this mutable variable change during the operation."
This looks like it could be a functional option, but unfortunately would take away one of the main benefits drawing us to Swift Testing -- highly parallel, fast tests.
The PointFree library you link to above links in turn to this three year old thread Reliably testing code that adopts Swift Concurrency? which speaks to similar testing difficulties. I'm hoping that three years later and with a brand new testing library these issues are more fully solved (this issue doesn't exist with Kotlin coroutines as far as I know), but if not then at least this thread can help others in the same boat see that these issues still exist in 2025 as I was wondering. Honestly the more I read about Swift Testing and testing async await in general makes me think it can't support the real-world situations most people deal with (e.g. infinite async sequences, objects encapsulating Tasks, etc.). It's undoubtedly great for simple or toy asynchronous situations though. We may stick with Combine and Nimble for now