Windows Nightlies

Yes, but in any case shouldn't they be in the architecture directory (as in Windows there aren't fat binaries)? This would also apply to the Linux toolchain.

I have retried the procedure on a Windows 10 machine and it works! :slight_smile:

C:\Users\pvieito\Downloads>more main.swift
print("Hello World!")

func GetVersion() -> CUnsignedLong
print("Windows Version: \(GetVersion())")

let a = 2
for x in 0...a {
    print("Iteration: \(x)")
print("Random Int: \(Int.random(in: 0...a))")
print("Random Bool: \(Bool.random())")

C:\Users\pvieito\Downloads>swiftc .\main.swift -o main.exe -O && main.exe
Hello World!

Windows Version: 602931718

Iteration: 0
Iteration: 1
Iteration: 2
Random Int: 2
Random Bool: false

I suppose the BCryptGenRandom call from the Standard Library is not working properly on Windows 7 and is hanging the process.

Also, some extra notes:

  • The WinSDK / MSVCRT modules fail to import. I thought it was due to the missing ucrt, visualc and winsdk modulemaps but I manually copied them from the Swift repo to usr\lib\swift\windows\x86_64 with no success.
  • I also tried @Torust sample code and it crashes on this map to tuple ({ ($0, self.viewForSubBoard($0)) })). Changing to an in-loop operation the process runs sucessfully.