I have a function:
private class BindingTracer {
@TaskLocal static var locationStack: [Location] = []
static let thisFileID: StaticString = #fileID
static func withLocation<T>(
isolation: isolated (any Actor)? = #isolation,
_ location: Location, _ body: () async throws -> T
) async rethrows -> T {
var newStack = Self.locationStack
if location.fileID.description == thisFileID.description {
// TODO: its not clear why this works, and why we can't simply return try await body() instead
return try await $locationStack.withValue(newStack) {
try await body()
return try await $locationStack.withValue(newStack) {
try await body()
The code compiles as written above. However if we simplify the portion in the if ...
statement and remove the unneeded try await $locationStack.withValue
to this:
if location.fileID.description == thisFileID.description {
try await body()
The code no longer compiles in Swift 6 with the following error: Non-sendable type 'T' returned by implicitly asynchronous call to nonisolated function cannot cross actor boundary
. Can someone help me understand why this is the case?