@OneSadCookie not sure what I'm missing then.
This is my function
public func logoImage(size:LogoSize) -> sending HSImage? {
var logoPath:Path?
switch size {
case .large:
logoPath = path(for: .logo)
case .small:
logoPath = path(for: .logoSmall)
case .preferSmall:
logoPath = path(for: .logoSmall) ?? path(for: .logo)
guard let logoPath else {
return nil
return HSImage(contentsOfFile: logoPath.string)
I'm using XCode 16.2
I'm in Swift 5 mode with RBI explicitly turned on
I still get the warning.
Non-sendable type 'HSImage?' (aka 'Optional') returned by call to main actor-isolated function cannot cross actor boundary; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
You mention Optional<T>
is Sendable
iff T
is Sendable
but I'm not sure why that is relevant. The point here is that T is not Sendable
I don't think that warning comes from the code you've posted, though?
I'd want to see
- the type containing the code you posted
- the code calling
- the type containing the code calling
- exactly which line the warning is from
I guess?
You mention Optional<T>
is Sendable
iff T
is Sendable
but I'm not sure why that is relevant. The point here is that T is not Sendable
The point is to say that the region-based analysis only cares about Sendable, and Optional doesn't interfere with that. Optional<T>
behaves exactly the same as T.
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The warning appears at the caller of that code
public class IdentityAssetManager {
public func logoImage(size:LogoSize) -> sending HSImage? {
var logoPath:Path?
switch size {
case .large:
logoPath = path(for: .logo)
case .small:
logoPath = path(for: .logoSmall)
case .preferSmall:
logoPath = path(for: .logoSmall) ?? path(for: .logo)
guard let logoPath else {
return nil
return HSImage(contentsOfFile: logoPath.string)
which is then called from
class CompositionImageLayerBuilder {
func build(for plan: RenderPlan) async throws -> CALayer {
let introLength = plan.preRenderedIntroLength
let endTitleRange = CMTimeRange(start: composition.duration - plan.outroLength,
duration: plan.outroLength)
if showLogoWatermarkOnEdit {
let watermarkRange = CMTimeRange(start: introLength,
end: composition.duration - endTitleRange.duration)
await addWatermark(range: watermarkRange)
if !plan.hasPreRenderedOutro {
let dzText = await logoHeadline
let subheadline = await logoSubheadline
//ERROR HERE on logoImage
let dzImage = await dropzoneProvider.assetManager?.logoImage(size:.large)
try addEndLogo(
image: dzImage,
headline: dzText,
subheadline: subheadline,
background: .white,
logoRange: endTitleRange
let logoRange = CMTimeRange(start: composition.duration - fffLogoDuration,
duration: fffLogoDuration)
try addFFFLogo(range: logoRange)
return parentLayer
(sorry for multiple edits - battling mobile internet while posting)